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File: 1736568174338.png (21.65 KB, 538x450, b3dd9c81-1b1e-4b0c-8ed3-50….png)


People will walk into a restaurant and ask for a milkshake, and when the server goes to make it, they will say "I want it thick please"
The sheeple fail to realize that what they're asking for is essentially just ice cream in a cup. I don't get it. It's absolute lunacy
>mmmm yum I sure do love straining to suck fucking solid ice cream through a straw
It's a drink. It's in the beverage section of the menu. Milkshakes are not a dessert item. They are a fucking beverage, and to assert that you want one thick or extra thick is completely counterproductive to the point of the drink. If you want ice cream, just fucking order ice cream.
If society keeps going this way, the West is doomed. I'm seriously considering buying a weapon and cleansing my local community of thick milkshake "enjoyers"



File: 1736580825642.gif (2.78 MB, 640x264, drink-milkshake.gif)


I miss having ice cream in a cup


for real preach brother, it mega sucks when they make it thick by default but give you the thinnest straw known to man like im just eating it at that point not drinking


File: 1736600077233.png (Spoiler Image, 1.34 MB, 1507x1848, 8719528964a45a4829772ea750….png)

>The milkshake situation is crazy

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