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here is sannō he's a monkey


forgot vpn on xd I am tunisia


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At various periods throughout Japanese history, Rāgarāja was invoked as a patron and symbol of homoerotic male desire.[4] While it is ahistorical to ascribe a "gay" self-identification to historical figures, clear examples of Rāgarāja's patronage of men having intimate sexual relations with other men appear in the historical record. Male kabuki actors placed love letters to the men they desired on the wall of Rāgarāja's temple at Naniwa in hopes of attaining success in love.[5] In a story from the Ashikaga era, a man praises his male lover by comparing him to Rāgarāja.[6] Rāgarāja's dharani was also included in the preparatory prayers performed by the young male consorts of Japanese Buddhist monks in some kanjo rituals.[7]


>gay demon
Fuarking institutional racism strikes again


not because someone is black and has fire and many hands that he is a demon. black people and gay people and birth defect people are not demons…
but yeah wrathful deities aren't demons aizen is a wisdom king meanig he is more wise than you and you should respect him, even if he is black and gay.


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kukai wise af ong ong


I find myself face to face with, a lily of the valley
and offer shards of red adamant, sky and the ocean
merged as one and yet real enough, flowing and floating
throughout the shining in my eyes, warmth bursts
reflecting a valley of daffodil, in its vibration

I wrote a poem for my girlfriend inspired by kukai
she has autism though so she immediately brushed it off to talk about minecraft but that is cute too
does anyone here write anything…


I find myself face to face with, a lily of the valley
and offer sharts


I find myself face to face with, a peepee of the valley
and offer sharts of red color, sky and the ocean
merged as a one and yet real enough, flowing and floating in the toilet bowl
throughout the shining in my eyes, diarrhea bursts
reflecting a valley of girlpenis, in its vibration


It's so romantic 🥹


reminder that kukai allegedly also made shotacon into a popular thing in japan cuz monju(shiri) told him the secret art of buttfucking little boys


you cling to the attachments retard kobo daishi would smack the shit out of you if xhe was alive


He didn't have a single original thought in his head though except for this thing about sound being the root of all being but I'm sure he copied that from some Chinese monk


I'm not a monk and monks can get married anyways retard
vimalakirti was a married layman and attained enlightenement
I can't cut off all attachments like that without training for years anyways
attaining enlightenment in this very body and other ideas were revolutionary for his time and he has other interesting theories on mahavairocana and stages of enlightenment I'm not even shingon I'm just reading him currently


monks can also have sex in some schools but you written a cringy ass poem and most likely cling to some childish idea of muh love n shiet.
do whatever you wanna do but kukai probably wont like this teenage ass shit youve written. i am just sayin it is an insult to xhim (even doe xhe is a hypocrite)


I don't need daddy kukai's approval and I am pretty much a teenager stop being so bitter and look at the sun
if you find things cringe in general you're clinging to societal notions too
if she leaves me she leaves me I'm just having fun


>attaining enlightenment in this very body and other ideas were revolutionary for his time and he has other interesting theories on mahavairocana
Alot of what he said about the nature of the dharmakaya buddha, and enlightenment via secret methods was pretty typical for Vajrayana thinkers. Even the pedoshit was imported from the west. He's only notable for bringing esoteric buddhism from china to japan but didn't really do anything to expand on it.


probably chinese ideas of vajrayana mostly yes
though stressing mahavairocana was a thing he got from his teacher and was not widespread
bringing over esoteric buddhism to japan basically saved east asian esotericism so he is still a hero or something

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