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[View News - 10/15/24]

PSA Blotter

10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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[Orin] [Archive]

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 No.1Important[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Holy shit
1826 posts and 802 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Marisababby love


bmt baby marisa torture

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 No.4462[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Anything related to dreams
This is apparently the area from a dream I had on January 29th
485 posts and 105 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Peaters, druggies, and alike: What supplements/drugs can help my dreams become more vivid?


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i remember i had 2 dreams that woke me up
one was about a big bee that kept trying to sting me and slamming into me until it actually stung me startling me awake
another one i was coming back from work when i come across a gun on the floor and it misfires inches away from me and i recoil and fall back, i look up and see lots of people with guns shoot some else down right in front of me and im thinking theyre going to shoot me next but i wake up in slight panic


I had a dream where I was on badwater last and saw a woman in a Nazi jacket so I punched her. Her friend said "you're gonna regret that" and 10 minutes later a nuke fell but I survived by hiding in that garage under maps where engies like to set up.

Idk what happened between this incident and the next one but the next thing I remember were the Nazi people doing a concert in school in like science class and my classmates were going "hey this is pretty good actually" and me trying to go "the lyrics are literally 'fucking skin all niggers' and such" but they couldn't hear me over the music

From that point forward the dream is pretty boring, the Nazis cut some Asian girl's hair to make her look like she's nw5 and she's distraught for a few minutes before eventually coming to just own it and be like "yk what this looks good actually"

The last thing I remember from that dream is two monkeys smoking bananas like they're blunts on a porch


>Dreaming about balding
Holy mind broken


had a dream where I was playing some sort of rpg where you could choose perks when leveling up, one of them was damage boost while wearing chastity cage

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heading to femboyland tomorrow
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Ugh he's too handsome for my weeby circlejerk 💔 #NotLikeUs



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Behold, the aryan countenance

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Worst president award goes to
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So you telling me its gonna magically work when the population age demographics gonna look like an inverse pyramid when we have like a 4:1 zoomer boomer per gen delta when theres only gonna be like 20% of gen delta workin?



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No, we need to either have more children or have more immigrants otherwise it won't work.


Its not a spoiler if i can read the filename

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fuck guys I'm sorry has anyone seen Imramqi he escaped last night, he is an outboard friend, please contact me if you see him, I'm worried he will get run over by some r*de poster
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I found some iramqi droppings earlier at the corner, he is very close.


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wtf you were supposed to take care of him this is extremely irresponsible he probably doesnt even have his shots if he bites someone youre liable to get sued, and thats if they dont put him down outright


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im sowwry…..


poland,yuuka,satoko2,tewi,battler has posted
that means the queen's near and might be watching


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challenged him to locate my cat in this picture rn

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I completely forgot this website existed and it's probably for the better.


You should have forgot about it harder


forget softly

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I got Rona and now how am i suppose to enjoy my food.
I got 4 quarter pounders 3 mc doubles 2 mc nuggets 2 mcchickens and an eggmc muffin and i cant taste shit.
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The pussy is censored but the butthole isn't because the anus isn't a sexual organ



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But for some reason the Japanese still refuse to normalize anal porn both in JAV or hentai, which is a fucking disgrace.
Anus = not censored
Penis in anus = censored penis
dildo in anus = completely uncensored


I ordered 2 large papa johns, this fucking sucks bros


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Why is small penis humiliation a popular pornography trope when most people have average sized penises. I find it hard to believe enough people have penises so small as to create a sufficient market for small penis humiliation content. Is it something related to low self esteem or body dysmorphia?
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>bint island


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Zbyszek #1


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>i swallow speprm


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why do this thread has its text line distribution like a pear in catalog mode?


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subliminal messaging

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Mohammedan women: We are pure unlike western whores
Mohammedan women when random botoxed up kpop guy:
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Or he needs to be pegged


Get a better image to represent your statement


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all women*


When I made this thread I was at the bus stop and saw two mohammedan women playing with a cut out picture of a kpop star using it as a mask but I wasn't fast enough to take a pic


Just found out about topiachu from turkey tom ^^^

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Gonzalo Lira was killed by the Ukrainian army
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watch rehab's video on him


she gives kumis




promote Mario 1911 gun American



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 No.9047[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

Post silly memes that actually yield a chuckle or smile. And ARE NOT UNFUNNY TOUHOU RELATED GARBAGE!!!
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Why are there so many of these


idk it's from pol


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 No.70865[Reply][Last 100 Posts]

07th expansion thread
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he is balding though


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Umineko tree


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tank building hypno


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Women can't have sex with each other. Anything that a woman can do with another woman would not be considered sex if it were a woman and a man.

If you lick a woman's pussy and nothing else can you say you had sex with her? No. If you stick a dildo in a woman's pussy and nothing else, can you say you had sex with her? No. If you rub your dick on the exterior of a woman's pussy and don't insert it, can you say you had sex with her? No.

Women can't do anything more than that. Therefore women can't have sex with each other.


Eirin's futa pills have entered the chat

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if you smoke cigs you're a fag

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>wait 10 minutes for catchpa
>Solve 3 different puzzles 1 of which doesnt register and is bullshit
>Ip region banned
When did 4georges become so shit to use? Havent used the shit hole in ages but holy fuck its bad and bant1 is like an Indian garbage dump compared to what it was originally, an american garbage dump


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4dravidians had on 2024 an average of 81000 posts daily, on 2025 the site is getting around 65000 posts/day and touching a minimum of 55000 posts/day.
Yes, It's fucking dying. A very slow dead. No matter if they keep or deactivate the craptcha, they won't save the site.

At some point they will reach under the minimum critical mass to sustain a "community" (specially the normalgarbage users) and they will abandon the site for another one. Christopher Poole then will come back as le based admin og savior of the chan and no one will give a shit.


the 5+minute captcha is enough of a deterrence for me desu


Bant gets 65000 posts per millenia nigga 💔🥀


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I dunno how it managed to get so much worse over night. Was it all the race bait BBC spam I kept seeing being posted on /k/? If so well so what? 4Jannies would rather B& people for racism and 'off topic posts' last I checked via personal experience.

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