The United States of America. perhaps the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture, <50% white, the perfect docile cattle, a giant ranch to breed retards to fight for Israel and enslave the world to literal fake money
ruled over by a deep state occult elite that abduct Americans children and literally no one cares and memory holes it, Hollywood, music industry, television, entertainment industries, soulless, corporatising, bland, soul crushing country, television and consumerism is their god, docile nigger cattle shitting and farting, clapping and gafawing when their homosexual military kill people in sovereign countries for the jews and resources while their jew fed reserve print money from thin air, constant, endless war, coca cola fuck America. perversions of the mind and universal evil, sickness and rot physically manifested into a country. Coca-Cola is the perfect example of America's shitness. A sickening chemical sludge concoction of nothing real and healthy, a chemical black ooze that should not exist yet it does and absolutely no one cares that this chemical liquid from hell exists and people willingly and voluntarily put it into their bodies.
Hope America gets raped and nuked
drowning in debt and misery with your stagnant wages, profiteering drug companies, third world backwards education systems, eroding infrastructure, diminishing middle class, widening income inequality, endless wars that only create terrorists and destroy the west, and worship of the rich and famous
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Kys Spanish swarthoid pedo
>>123708just realized we don't have a store like this
yeah there are pc component stores that have physical locations but when you go there it's only phones and laptops
>>132178Pooland really is a third world shithole
>>132182you can order everything online anyway what's the point in leaving your gooncave to look at graphic cards
order to PACZKOMATY INPOST using BLIK that is, no other country has such advanced technology