Holocaust was deliberately fabricated to look as implausible and retarded as possible. Do you really thing they couldn't extract confessions in realistic war crimes out of Germans, if they wanted? Nope, the fabrication of stories about wooden doors, masturbation machines, etc, etc, was greenlighted at the highest level.
Holocaust is supposed to be a ritual humiliation. You are supposed to be aware how retarded it is, and you are supposed to vocally affirm it's true if you don't want your life to be destroyed. Humiliation for Germans who lost the war? This too, but denial laws are enforced not just in German but in many nations that won that war.
The first and foremost target for holocaust shit humiliation is anyone attempting to study history. Holocaust rubs "we will write whatever the fuck we feel like there, and we will destroy you if you try to tamper" right into the face of anyone doing so. And when a person sees this absurdity right in the middle of 20th fucking century, the will to think about legitimacy of mathematically impossible mongols who killed more people than industrial age world wars, civilizations collapsing for no reason, and magical jews rising from the dead somehow being acknowledged to exist, is generally no longer there.