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[View News - 10/15/24]

PSA Blotter

10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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[Orin] [Archive]

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I swear you tranime troons just keep getting gayer and gayer
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>Wojak are ugly 2020s way of saying me good you bad
>Gyates are closer to emojis


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Soundsmith is a tranny? 😭😭🤢🤮🤮🤮💀




foop fidat

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He gets goonermogged by TF34Enjoyer




up ay

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The toughest part of recovery is forgiving yourself and moving on.
I now understand the protagonists of shounen kino.
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It's blessed









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Remember when the tranime troons said bocchi the rock would be remembered
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That's foul ah 💀


bocchad is remembered


Omg prince shoutoku never looked this valid


Fr up


frupp friday.

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Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how genuinely insanae the qa 2 schizo was. How does anyone have that level of concentration and dedication to accomplish what he did while receiving no attention or accolade for It. The amount of oc and artificial conversation he created has to be in the hundreds of gigabytes


why tf is her pinky so fat… and the bitch was apparently too lazy to either do real manicure or ask someone with skills to edit the photo.


rup riday

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Modern Catholics: "Loving your nearest" (<- more accurate translation from the Greek) means sending your inheritance to Negroes or something
Unbothered Pope in 1945: Please don't send niggers to capture Rome, you fucking miscegenating jewish golem mutts
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Imagine her nuenis coming out of the screen like that one girl coming out of the tv


she doesn't know about scissors on the other side yet


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The next pope will be Black


she would say the silliest shit after booze



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Metal can't actually think? Wooowww…


well demons belong to the same category of being as angels and demons' and angels' free will is limited to one action. A demon that chooses to rebel against God has chosen to do so for eternity from the moment the demon started being.
The fallen angel mythos exists to explain the nature of demons.



Shit the fuck up, retard


she is sad, please let her out

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>lets blame men for things women voted for
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It should be at 0%. Men should enjoy their lives and women should work because they are the only ones that seem to enjoy society anyway


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Men enjoying their lives:


was ja based ist


dat is helemaal niet based hoor denk ik

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Her @?


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He said he's fine and will go back to using the internet normally in 2 months and thank you for worrying



tell him we are flaming him so he gets sad

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Schizo trap or psued trap?
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Version: 1.21 Java
IP: play.bantcraft.xyz
Website: https://bantcraft.xyz/
Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/bantcraft
Dynmap: http://play.bantcraft.xyz:57287/

>Plugins: Towny, Terratonic, ImageFrame, FreedomChat, Shopkeepers, Dynmap, VoiceChat (Optional, Requires Client-side mod)

>Towny allows for players to form towns and nations, allowing for bountiful amounts of larping

>Terratonic revamps procedural terrain generation, combines Terralith with Tectonic
>ImageFrame allows for any image to be displayed in any arranmeeperent of item frames ingame
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this was aryan




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Kek it's keen!


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>kill yourself shooting tourist
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fresh blood


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I should have known better honestly…


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good and pure images counteract the foul ones methinks

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German gémmer is gone again
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he is trying to be normal but probably failing spectrally, he needs to accept we are his only friends


He told me on the cord you niggers bullied him and he aint coming back


he was built for the monasteries


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We got close to it


<You lack imagination, they can still oil up their body an perform a full body paizuri and in turn you can pleasure them with by rubbing with pinky finger an then afterwords cuddle up on top of your shoulder for a while.


Was talking more about space gun tier AK modification but yeah afghan war was pretty kino


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>space gun tier
The appeal of AKs is that they look rustic doe. I much prefer more /trad/ looks.

Wooden AKs should stay unmodified. Maybe a grenade launcher. Possibly a Kobra or a PSO. Otherwise it's disrespectful methinks.

You have more wiggle room with polymers but I still believe in keep it simple, stupid

AK-12 + ACOG is peaky btw
(I'm this isn't an ACOG but it's close)


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You lack imagination, they can still oil up their body an perform a full body paizuri and in turn you can pleasure them with by rubbing with pinky finger an then afterwords cuddle up on top of your shoulder for a while.

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New bantroon dropped
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When the biology kicks in, but you forgot the chiefs are christojudaic feminists and their book of rules aka "talmud" forbids goyim from having sex with fertile young women.


Nuke Africa


India tho


Nah I'm alright with Canada


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