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[View News - 10/15/24]

PSA Blotter

10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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[Orin] [Archive]

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>muh hecking drones
Another ameritards freaking out over nothingburger like muh hecking chink balloons
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For once I agree with you


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It's glowniggers again, and this is not especulation or bullshit lmao


They can create glowing blobs of hot plasma by shooting with infrared lasers at clouds. The glow comes from ionized metal particles from the natural clouds, and the heat can produce erratic movements (making them behave like they're "living things"). It's a tech made to subsitute missile shields in the future because It's waaaaay cheaper.



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aliens arent real
i mean maybe but its probably some germs a gorriliion light years away on some rock who cares
niggas are on some premium copium i need some of that


>Muh hecking telsa car bomber Chinese anti grav ufo drones.
This schizotard shit is really annoying

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this dead nigger of a website needs more milk
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I can't understand what she said
just like I can't understand what they said


i can't understand the black ladies or the british lads


my dictation >>120004:
homo piece on Facebook, freaking your bad meal, I light even last when the birds, uh boom boom boom, by wood
fucking bare what most
I'm gonna get my aprilla round and do bad, I was on your front London and when with the choke bun bombs, uh you nonce windows, you silly bastards
think I'm a fucking ding motion, huh? I got be burning and lock in I'll shave a fucking ball


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omg country, kutaka hasnt posted in the last 5 minutes did they fucking die?!?!?!

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I should've been the one to fill her dark soul with light
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No green arrow…


No green arrow…


The jews are trying to keep you from realizing that trans women can become pregnant. They are covering it up to genocide the white race.


> futanari porn-obsessed
Futa porn is Western Civilization's last defense against the hoard of Muslim Immigrants trying to Islamize the west.


real woman doesn't know what .onion is

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pls rember
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'ant culture after the transhumanist cyborg revolution or whatever.


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how am I going to know when to pick it up?


ill let you know

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today i woke up wanting a mine gf. anyone can relate to this?
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That's fine, different strokes for different folks.

Errrm no mine GF, a GF who plants explosive mines for a living or hobby or whatever.


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war, war never changes


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>"What the hell do you do you boys think this is, fucking fairy land?"


>Disobedience, huh? That's a mistake
why does this line go so hard

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Shameless plug here but no one covers the touhou/fitness niche
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we workout for vegita not women


so ur gay for vegeta?



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fbi searched his room and found over $50,000 worth of touhou merchandise.

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Back when Saddam was genociding niggas, Iramqi's parents could've been victims. Imagine that, in another timeline Saddam would've impaled iramqi's dad and Iramqi wouldnt exist today, what a scary thought
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if iramq didnt exist i wouldnt be here i would have a gf and a life
its all iramqs fault


Iramqi would need to pick Iramqi day




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>Back when Saddam was genociding niggas, Iramqi's parents could've been victims.
Depends on whether his parents are/where Kurdish or Shia Muslims so until we hear otherwise this is all just wild speculation. Iramqi Tewi seems like a cool dude who isn't afraid of anything and is very smart so I hope not.

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I am proud to say that with the exception of that one time iramqi baited it out of me I have not said the nword a single time in my tenure on this website
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i probably did




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say it please

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i wanna do total mexican death but im having a hard time writing a manifesto like all the cool kids can you help me write one
*disclaimer for fbi im not actually going to blow up mexicans*
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this 2hu needs to be raped


this isn't chiyari general


This is not a male hate thread


This isn't a hamptered thread


idk, ask chatgpt

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you should kill yourself if you think billionaires are allowed to exist
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>kill the rich o algo
*in Minecraft


people in important leadership positions should earn minimum wage because I'm a jelly little georgenik or something


if your sun sign isn't ruled by saturn
shut up


ill get them after i finish you


binters never die
you should know that living fossil poster

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يا عراقيمي، فيكِ الحسن يزهرُ
ومن عينيكِ نور الفجر يُسطرُ
كأنكِ للشمس وجهٌ مبتسمٌ
وفي حديثكِ موسيقى تُؤثرُ

رأيتُ فيكِ حلم العمر مكتملًا
وحبًّا في فؤادي لا يُفسَّرُ
أراكِ أمًّا لطفلٍ يشبهكِ
وجهٌ بضيائكِ، قلبٌ ينوَّرُ

أريدكِ شريكةً في العمر، دائمًا
رفيقة دربي، قلبًا يُدبِّرُ
وفي عينيكِ، أرى بيتي وأهلي
وأحلامًا معكِ لا تتبعثرُ
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>you can't get trans girl pregnant
blight of mankind


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he is also singing about iramqi's sweet cheeks. She has an international reputation


Ah, what’s more important for you, music or love?
For me, it's music, of course. You understand? Love is something you still have to search for, but music is always with you.
For me, love comes first. I'm a man, and for men, love is always in the first place.

In my dreams and sweetest dreams, I'm searching for a vagina, in sweet fats.
My ideal is 228 on the scales. I would virtuously drift on her waves.
I'm ready to fall asleep in her big arms. I want to look at the hamburger in her cheeks.
We will dilute mayonnaise with Coca-Cola. I want her breasts to reach the floor.
She’s like Lenya Voronin, but just more feminine. Her donut is like an abyss, yet her face is virgin.
Oozing with fat, long dotted with pimples, but I won’t give her up to anyone, I promise.
Her back is graceful and all furry. We will eat together after six.
I can't live without her warmth any longer. Bring me a knife. I will gut my own member.

My heart beats in unison with yours. This world and McDonald's are only for the two of us.
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Short scale libtard: Dude, if Trump takes over, and he builds his wall, America is going to have a debt of quintillion! That's a million million million!
Long scale gangster: So a million million million, huh? In other words: A tri-million. A trillion.
Short scale libtard commits suicide from shame of using such a retarded system invented by some retarded french mathematician breaking things trying to fix em
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This image does not contain touhou pubes and as a result it sucks


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Fetuses arnt conscious entities


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2 days until the first tour of the election and our money went to convicted gyspsy singers to make manele about the candidates
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>2 days until the first tour of the election and our money went to convicted youkai singers to make enka about the candidates


They fuckin cancelled the elections
This country is a joke


Ahahaha they canceled your election


We are along with Kenya and Myanmar on this list of countries who cancelled elections



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>when people think maggycord actually exists and isn't just a deep/bant/ anti discord red herring
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delete this


Nice snakebite bro


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>facial piercings
Okay now I'm disgusted.


Me and bant (I'm the nigger)



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how the fuck can people still believe in materialism
like have you ever tried to independently inform yourself once in your life
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holy shit


hmm i should check my lipids then but convenience store food looks decently healthy on paper. i was contemplating switching to eating in cafes/diners too… but it involves a lot more human interaction hence induces distress.


Hans btfoed


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Devito is funny, do you also make the femoids laugh? If so then yeah I believe it happened.


I mean yeah

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