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[View News - 10/15/24]

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10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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[Orin] [Archive]

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>young man, do you think i'm blind??? you clearly didn't know the full answer of this question in the exam so you just pad it out to fulfill the line requirements!!! and this other one?! you obviously had no idea whatsoever what to write, so you just made up stuff on the spot in order to not leave it blank!!! did you think you could get lucky and actually get it right somehow??? how dare you!!!! are making fun of my classes??? AAAAAAA get out of my sight!!!!!
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I did this with my college physics final and somehow got a 72%


I had a horrible nightmare a few weeks ago in which I sat for an exam but I didn't know any of the answers so I just left a bunch of the questions blank (something all my HSC teachers made sure to tell me NEVER to do)

tbh my heart goes out for lesser students after that experience


i didnt like school anyways


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When you see it.


Bro gonna go far with the cosplay….

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im getting out of that thread theyre starting to talk about 3dpd garbage
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he's still posting tell him one more time that he's boring and retarded and i dont wanna talk to him about anything at all so make him go away and mention that he's a secondary regarding touhou but do it like how Tony Soprano would say it and give it nuance


Alright, here’s a version that keeps it tough but with that Tony Soprano nuance:

"Listen to me, you’re really makin’ this hard on yourself. You’re boring, you’re talkin’ nonsense, and you’re a secondary when it comes to Touhou. I couldn’t care less about your opinions, and I’m done with this. I ain’t gonna waste another second on you. You get me? Just take the hint and go away before I gotta say it again. I got better things to do."

How’s that? Tough enough?


>turktranny making an interesting нить
never ever gonna happen


means thread


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you're a secondary


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okay he came back and he's now trying to make it look like he's good at anything by showing me his PC-98 clears can you tell him how i know how easy those games are even on lunatic and how he's only playing that garbage because he's too shit at actual touhou and that it only makes him look like more of a secondary when he tries to show me this shit and also tell him that i have a Undefined Fantastic Object lunatic 1cc just so he knows and say all of this how Tony Soprano would say it and make it sound nuanced and mean like how Tony Soprano would be in season 6 of The Sopranos


Alright, here’s how Tony Soprano would drop the hammer:

"Look, you come back here actin’ like you’re hot stuff ‘cause you’re showin’ me your PC-98 clears? That’s a joke. Even on Lunatic, those games are easy as hell. You’re playin’ that garbage ‘cause you’re too weak to handle real Touhou. That’s why you’re stuck there, tryin’ to impress me with that crap—it just makes you look like more of a secondary, you get me? And don’t think I didn’t notice, I’ve got a Lunatic 1cc in Undefined Fantastic Object. You know what that means? It means I’m leagues ahead of you. So stop tryin’ to act like you’re on my level, ‘cause you’re not."

How’s that? Fired up enough with the right touch of Soprano?

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punch your local fascist
my takes on islam are not just for the religion and its consequences on themselves
its a war on orthodoxy!
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I saw lots of people blocking up the vicinity of a mosque today cuz it's Friday


Exactly, you worship ur self, I don't know why, ur not that amazing 😔


>ur not that amazing 😔
i thought you were in lesbians with iramqi


It's a power struggle, sometimes I have to put himher in theirthem place


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spoken like a true moid

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this could be op


I mean life would be much better if I was only awake between 2 and 5pm and just slept through the rest of the day, every day of the week preferably, but I can't make myself sleep more than 8 maaaybe 9 hours. But then I sometimes fucking wake up at 5 or 6 on a Saturday if I'm feeling anxious. I just hate Saturday morning, nothing happens on them.
I hate a lot of things actually.


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>hate Saturday morning, nothing happens on them


I think the solution makes me lose iq every time I do it, but it might be a subjective observation where I just correlated harder tasks with me having a slightly harder time doing them. It was enough to discourage me from taking the solution though.


Taking it again I mean

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just like all your threads


I wanna have sex with cosplay women but their wigs might fall off and their makeup would make it difficult to kiss them. So I can't.


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eating lipstick and foundation is part of the experience
but also if she doesn't feel like reapplying makeup and denies you a kiss and you touch tongues it's fun it's own way too
when an eyelash becomes unglued it is time to stop though


Wow, I never thought of it this way, I better start tasting different makeup products to get myself ready for the real deal.


best booze is 20-30% because it gets you drunk while not tasting like gasoline

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Vausherald motivation of the day
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Xandtroon is a stupid niggerniggernigger, gaudsh is much more better and smarter. Or you just hate him this much for being a pedo? Shitjack party is that way, blud.


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Bruuuuuuh hasan just immigrated to Japan successfully


yet another topicless eceleb sucking thread award




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people who drive the speed limit need to be genocided
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speed is good
speed limit is fine
improper lane use is 1st circle of hell
unsteady speed (+5, -5 mph) is 9th circle of hell


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i like to drive at 129-139 km/h, but if someone else is racing i will drive up to 149 km/h
the speed ticket penalties increase each +10 km/h, and at 150+ you are considered stunt driving and could lose your licence
in reality i think cruising at 180 km/h is perfectly safe if you have good tires. i'm addicted to swimming through highway traffic, its how my 1.5 hour commute (1 way) becomes fun


Prison rape general


>speed is good
Whos your speed dealer



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Death to mudslimes
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Iramqi is a religion

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my first victory royale on my second game YIIPPPEEEEEEE
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this means i should get more praise


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no your machine was so doodoo it cause client to server lag o algo and you won by high ping


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>ebalo k osmotru


I do this in tf doe cuz of the distance so my ping is high

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first worlders will never experience this kino
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I've finally buck broken iramqi, it's a bitter sweet victory like taming a wild mare or something. Now it's time to ride the mare.


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I remember there was a giant billboard or mural or whatever of the chick rayne from bloodrayne on some pirate pc game store in my city. Lots and lots of unlicensed copyright infrinmeeperent shit back then and even in the present time.


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This tranny circus plush photo I did the last summer. I was surprised by the fact that ripoff unofficial bootleg china niggers know about this show. Same with hazbin. Huggy Vaggy is pretty old, so it's kind of not uncommon. All time classics like pikachu, disneyslop and soviet shit anything but surprising.


damn look at that morningstar

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Tell me your dreams
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You wouldve had a life long erp partner had you not betrayed me, but u had to ruin everything


Imagine if they just said "I'm e-sorry" to eachother, then e-forgave eachother and then hit e-back_together



Then we have e-sex and I get him e-pregnant.Then the child turns out not to be mine (he e-cheated on me)


so it was e-nfidelity


i forgot

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bint will never shoot up schools
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Teens arent demented enough to be attracted to bint


Schools? No
Iramqi habitations? Yes
You will be bints first martyr


Ur tewi fumo getting martyred as well



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literally me
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cis male


sproke whale


ghost tail




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I'm reading holyland and this shit is funny
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>Gay sex, Iraq


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Its kino



This the indian hersheys?


Gay sex, Iraq

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Serbian? Moroccan? Obsessed weasel fucking British faggot? Any of you here????
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Pan is underage tho


Do underage girls have hair around their assholes


all (half) saiyans have the same hair from when they were kids, this includes the ass hair


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Saiyans are finasteride kings, they have head hair but no body hair


So no pubes, no ass hair and no nose/ear hair?
Does ss3 make saiyans lose any other hair besides their eyebrows?

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