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 No.19588[Last 100 Posts]

male hate thread


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Men always come on top NMW






women encourage this behavior since brothers need to show their hood credentials to get some. #streetknowledge


Surprised that 20% of women commit arson




Is this what they mean by transmaxxing?



>49% of the population
so there's more foids than men and incels still exist. broooootal.


this is the return to monke we hear so much about, alpha chimps having harems while betas get nothing…




This also means the collapse of modern soyciety and a return to rape or die trying strategy of reproduction


westoids will just play video games in their gooncaves instead of raping


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Nah because hypergamy is a meme for the most part. Chads have harems in their early 20schut later on they settle and have kids with the beta male


Are there 'fe foids here yet


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>It's peak


Above mtf
Below ftm


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>men le bad


tf? chad has kids with a beta male?


most vanilla moid fantasy



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>yeah yeah men be like let's rape and torture women with our big dicks like wild animal kek moids really do be like that like raw beasts fucking us, girlies, very very hard teehee so terrible (👉 👈)


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MALE """"""""""""HUMOR""""""""""""
>clever teasing
>exaggerated personality traits
>memorable accidents from past friendships



>clever teasing
>exaggerated personality traits
>memorable accidents from past friendships
men do this too but better also pee and barf is confirmed for transfolx, while poop humor is very masculine and neurotypical


puke humor is masculine
poop humor can be trans if the poop is in a diaper


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poop in a diaper is not "humor" for transfolx. It is just the reality of being a very stinky princess…


what are you heretics saying


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typical men. arguing over the masculine merits of talking about… p**p… and… p*ke… god i hate moids.




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trans diaperQUEENS deserve respect and love


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>spelling folks as "folx"
jesus christ


I'm personally offended


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Female humor: posting funny cats in the cute cat thread
Male humor: spamming that thread with child porn


female humor be like


Top gossips about each other behind their back and give each other bad relationship advice out of envy and wanting to be top bitch.

Bottom argue about bs but are being genuine and don't do bs like top and can always come together for a pint of sproke at the end of the day.

Conclusion: Total George Victory


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you forgot about
>muh periods and omg his thing down there is so little am i right ladies


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>Female humor: Cleveland show funny moments
>Male humor: stubbed nigger baby with his guts exposed left to die in the dirty puddle


This is a truthnuke, female socialization is brutal


thank god i wasn't born a w*man


tsmt, remember seeing this 1 fella on /fng/ that kept on using 'emcel speak and saying xhe wanted to be aborted 'cuz xi was a he jej, glad im not that deranged yet despite being 'round these parts


wtf i love women now


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Speak english


>each other behind their back and give each other bad relationship advice out of envy and wanting to be top bitch.
And men don't do this too…right…..


Western men started doing it a while ago but only because of societal decline, it's not in their nature itself


Read more books


I think the perscseption of female humor is skewed by the female comedians, but lets be honest when was the last time you laughed at something a male comedian said either, I think at a more gassroots level there is some female humor which is funny such as the stuff on r/sillygirlclub


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In every online community I've been in people will mercilessly shit talk each other but nobody takes it that seriously because guys realize it's all in good fun. Chicks on the other hand will be faux-nice to each other but behind closed doors act very slimey. The worst a guy will do is call you a nigger and spam gore in your thread but a girl will dox and blackmail you. Competition for women makes them turn on each other to eliminate competition like crabs in a bucket but competition for men makes them improve themselves to keep competing. Women see a sexy anime girl and think it should be banned because it sets an unrealistic expectation. Men see a buff anime man and think they should go to the gym to become like him.


It's just a human principle, when men have issues they confront eachother and it ends (i.e. a fistfight) while women don't have fight in them so it's all about hazings and social combat


>quirky random anime girl funny
Get this man an estradiol
Online communities arent real life. Alot of guys irl act like bitches, and don't actually tolerate alot of disrespect or banter. Although I'm mostly talking about the black community which is an entire culture raised by women so that could be a part of it.
For the most part when a relationship reaches a point where two guys are throwing hands the relationship is over


gender is gay and stupid cant we all just have fun and be friends



I threw hands with my friends over disputes a few times, the weak chinese guy and the soyboy would gossip instead though
Also when I was 13 my best friend told me he is obsessed with BBCs, I remembered that today and I think it's funny
Also >>32079 was mostly right. He's wrong about online because most people are turds and can easily be coerced into doxxing and causing general misery but hoes are simply prone to sadism


thanks anon


Even if they didn't tolerate banter worst comes to worst you would just box the guy and be done with it but girls will meticulously try to ruin your life. For the internet though maybe I'm wrong but it seems similar like you shit talk a person they shit talk you back then you move on with your life and the only people that get followed around are real oddballs like Chris-chan and then the only people that try to ruin their lives are women and children, I don't think sanae men care that much or at most just observe them because they're funny.


>meticulously try to ruin your life
More like give you a shit stare and just avoid you.


You are confusing gender and sex


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>sex is gay and stupid
blud thinks hes nick fuentes 💀


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Zamn I didn't know chick lit could actually be so sieged


>As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied
that's modern m*n too


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That's just what happens when Democracy wins. Everything goes to shit.


motivation to looksmin


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is this about bwc/bbc or futanari


Well to be fair women can actually make money now so men actually have to be fuckable if they want to fuck


That was true from the 80s to 2010s but nobody can get ahead in the modern economy without unfair methods like crypto


People getting taller aging slower and having cures for male pattern baldness is things going to shit?


I don't think so. Women still make more money than men and the economy is still mostly service based. Women would rather wage slave then fuck a crypto baldcel


Everyone I know irl agrees it's over and is at least trying to move to the USA, and anti depressant usage reaches new all time highs each passing year in the west
It's more feasible in your country but I think housing is still out of reach for them


Yeah Ive heard Trudeau is making Canada a third world shit hole. I don't get it though isn't moving out west and becoming a lumber jak or something if the sort always an option. Isn't Canada just one big natural resource factory


>Anti depressant usage reaches new all time highs each passing year in the west
On top of alcoholism, homicide death from disease gang violence violent larceny death from natural disease being at an all time low. (At least before covid but these stats are still pretty low)There was never a time when America was all roses and Cherrys really. Life will stay consistently shitty for the majority of people forever. The problems we face and the chosen few who benefit from the age they're in will change very frequently giving a greater illusion of broader change or progress that never really happened or will happen.


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Crystal cafe and Fujochan W


It's beautiful and safe but it's probably the most expensive western country outside of switzerland (it's expensive here because of corruption tho) and nobody young can make progress
homesteading is highly illegal to my knowledge
The macro trend is that society was amazing to be a part of from the 50s to 2010s but the trend reversed, most people agree regardless of where they are politically


In the 50s you had mafiosos killing people for looking at them the wrong way and a massive chunk of the population traumatized from war as well as BBC folx getting lynched for being in the wrong neighborhood. The 60s had the civil rights movent and the deep state finally taking over the US government completely
70s was the first major drug epidemic and the Vietnam war (which is always something fun to point out when people say boomers had it on easy mode)
Things got better I guess until 9/11 fallowed by 2008 which led to us to the situation were in now. The decline of soyciety narrative is a dumb one. Older people were talking about the decline of soyciety during all the golden ages that never were


Those are true but more things are lost every year and those eras remain superior because of the macro trend. For example ytey could have a loving wife and nuclear family and bbc kangz born in the hood past the 2000s will struggle to/cannot escape the hood due to the dollar being terrible
>The decline of soyciety narrative is a dumb one. Older people were talking about the decline of soyciety during all the golden ages that never were
There was a documented phenomenon recently that every decade since the 1900s had people claiming that society was declining and children were becoming dumber, which calls claiming society is declining into question, but if you look at gen A they are genuinely doomed in all ways… gen Z is more chadlike than gen X but that was a fluke and gen X had the crypto opportunity while Z didn't so from my perspective X wins over Z


The macro trend has still gotten better in a lot of ways tho. Less murder robbery etc. Also if you #readbooks you would see that trend appear throughout the centuries just in longer time intervals. People in the 1800s worshiped the classical Greeks people in the middle aged worshipped the ancient Israelites aka the tribe of shabazz and so on. Industrial technology has just made this process faster I guess. I don't think Gen alpha is fucked because we've already had to deal with severe changes in tech already like in the early industrial revolution where children were basically breathing tar


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Switzerland is a badass country, they get to be both honorary Aryans and Mountain Jews at the same time, the Swiss Guard came from there, Kim Jung Un trusts them enough to have a bank account there, and you can pretty easily own just about any small arms rifle you want. They're strict on pistols from what I understand though. Also they have several caves dedicated solely to fermenting giant cheese wheels. They've also got the place linked up with bullet trains too just like muh heckin Japan. Plus they aren't an EU country which pisses off the French government for some reason.
Honestly there's not a lot to dislike about the Swiss aside from the fact that shitty companies like Nestle came from there.
>homesteading is highly illegal to my knowledge
Of course, if you were left alone to grow your own food, preserve and pickle things in jars, and hunt your own game then Castro Junior wouldn't be able to force you to eat ze bugs.

Yeah, it's gotten to the point that Mainland Chinese billionaires own more property there now than native born canucks do from what my ignorant American ass understands.
Also no more SKS's because Canucks aren't allowed to have fun either I guess.

TL;DR the fate of fiats, #GoldStandard.


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>Women be like: day starts with a cup of coffee
>moids be like: day starts with beating my meat to my mother


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>Girls be like: when I grow up I will be a veterinarian because I want to help animals
>Boyim be like: when I grow up I will be a doctor so I could drink girls' pee


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Funiley enough I wanted to use this phrase but vise versa because le epic whamen bread


Wow I say this


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if only women escalate from insult to hostilities then y is the expression "be the better man" and not "be the better woman"


uh "be the bigger man" I mean


Males are more likely to start clobbering eachother, so a bandaid solution is necessary


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>bring men to the killing fields… and kill them


Lily is a slut for human cock, only Alice would say this



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Alice absolutely would say this but she's a BHC whore as well. Just like those libtard bitches who hate drumpf but spread their legs for the MAGABVLLS


Thank you gacha youmu fumo




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>Female culinary be like: cakes, pies and light breakfast
>moid culinary be like: soggy biscuit


male ego murdered


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>Femoid food: superfluous bullshit
>MALE food: the good ol' basics




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female favourite movies: Titanic, Mean Girls, Harry Potter
moid favourite movies: A Serbian Film, Freddy Got Fingered, Daisy's Destruction


moids can't cook


thats what momberg wants you to think when she serves you brocolli or some gay people food


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>Ah yes, unlike the trve 'borean vvrilly fooderino like corn syrup goyslop, beer and nigger cum


I eat fast food every single day


Do you ever take your white undies off and they have a big shart


Cobson that you?


no i wear only boxers


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>Female hygiene be like: yeah, I shower every morning, like everyone else, why?
>Moid hygiene be like: nah bro, shit on my boxers is already encrusted, it does not stink anymore. It's you farted, retard. No you! *beats his father senseless*


the fuck is your problem with broccoli


it has no corn syrup


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>World would be billion times better if all ugly men just jumped off a cliff simultaneously so there wasnt any garbage genes in the pool and we, kweens, wouldnt have to clean up the mess.


He's ray peat


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Albeit most genes are from the mother so ugly foidcels breeding with chad would still create incels



teenage mutant ninja turtles


the internet would go down if it happened



Just realized how crazy and hitleric this is to think about, if all women vanished life would go on like normal while if all men vanished society would crumble rapidly



coomers would start killing and looting if they lost their onlyfans hoes


yeah women are cattle, jews and niggers. They are able only to take, without giving back.
Only not my esotericly-themed website or the child porn archive noooooo


>Only not
I get it because I'm polish


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>Yeah lol castrate everyone below 6 inches, fuck that snot needed for? Hahaha, worthless, into the trash can it goes LOL
>What? Forbidding women to kill their babies? This is highly unethical! YOU ARE GENOCIDING US!


Girl art be like: Cute cats, flowers, nature and etc.
Moid "art" be like:


What's wrong with drawing guinea pigs


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>Moid shartists are angry hahaha


i am women's greatest ally


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>Ok. Sure. Fine. You can "can" rape this cartoon woman, george. But guess what. Im gonaa fuck right now. With an actual guy. Unlike you, ugly shitface. And by the way, he is a futa. How does it make you feel, microdicked subhuman?


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>scrote, looksmaxx or get sterilized. Simple as


This should be law. I am currently working on a thesis about how balding men who refuse to take finasteride are assaulting women (especially women in marginalized communities like women of color/indiginous decent and trans women) by existing with their slap heads


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Something mozart jack the ripper


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>"There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."


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She do be spitting tho


meep that put scrotekeks back in their place


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Who was in the wrong here?


Dog i dont even know what xhe was trying to say with that tweet
Why don't xwitter kids articulate themselves? They just post pictures and expect you to get it like cavemen. Twitter is legit the modern equivalent to cave paintings


I think you mean "gyate"


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All men want to rape women therefore hating them is a justified response.


>sigma femoid
WHY are normals using incelsphere lingo now


Sigma was always normie I think. Also regular teenage girls know what mog means in america


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>we will rape your dead bodies
Kevin Mann is back


He means 'oid


another argument for every internet loser forum having gay prolapse background


Yawn. 98.9% of ppl on xwitter are autistic, including the awesome redpilled sigma males.

>oh my god men are oppressing us!

>oh my god! Above is PROOF femoids are entitled and ruining society! Let's go back to le 1960s utopia!

Entire argument founded on xwitter faggotry


Obviously not since the wojaks saying that is bald


I don't get it


it would work as a filter


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she is beautiful


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his name is pop monster


LOL WTF is this the same guy who was caught eating poop


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but women are turned on by rape and masochism? which one is it femoids?


what does this say abouy soyciety


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Yeah thats what we already knew, men are disgusting footfaggots, futafaggots and pedophiles. Also they like to rape dead people. And poop. ScroteDEITIES, are we really so sussy baka UwU?
Girls into maledom boy into femdom jej. Silly bakas.


It's not rape if he's 6.6 psl and over


Is psl stands for penis so long or Portuguese as a second language


It stands for poop size and length


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even tho trans folx need to shit on xheir axe wound to lubricate


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Source: female humor department of women of XX variety
(Deboonked by Principality of Male hahas)


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>Girl memes: cute, smart, funny
>Moid memes: =the most disgusting shit you have ever seen, spam, bragging about spam and disgusting shit


post example of girl meme


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just saved this from the 'fe


neko arc because its shit


I saw a foid looking at neko arc memes on her phone recently


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>Men act like they have a monopoly on humor butt all they joke about is racism, profanities and gay scat


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>Straight sex = rape
>Marriage = slavery
>Abortion = healthcare
>Masculinity = poison
>Cheating = experiencing yourself
>My body = my choice
>Your body = my choice
>Prostitution = work worthy of respect
>Monogamy = oppression
>Responsibility = misogyny
>Accountability = misogyny
>Loyality = misogyny
>Men = rapists
>Men = threat
>Men = enemies
>Future = female


if you subtract equation 7 from equation 6 you get My body - Your body = 0, ehich means foids are worth nothing without men


This meme passes as a female one because it's unfunny muh randum shit. You might disagree as reddit men like this shit too but they are bitchmen


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foidlet mogged by troonchad


That high t Norwood 1 feeling when you realize soy shit is female humor


Autists have way more androgens so if like that it means you're neurotypical


man why are men into the weirdest shit, necrophilia vore pedophilia scat bestiality etc


female fetishes are so vanilla in comparison


hypersexuality to spread DNA further


The incel wiki said autists are Möre androgynous on average tho


females are into gore which is the weirdest shot



Those girls are always just cringey tryhards tho and don't actually find it amusing


only if its someone inflicting harm on themselves or a sexy man inflicting harm on them because self-harm and consensual harm is somehow moral to their illogical empathy-centered minds, if you ever show those girls cleaver cat or blender cat they will start crying from how unwholesome it is


you know that whole monkey torture thing? the person who commissioned most brutal videos was a woman



men are behind 99% of violence in society, women are behind 100% of it.


women are behind %100 of most cool of it and everything in general


yes thats why women voted for hitler while incels were all in the KPD


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they voted for him because all of them wanted his mustache on their clitties



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You told her that yukari whales aren't whales


akaribrapsniffer's gf


they like gyates


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I know a girl and she said she dislikes gyates because they are pedophilic




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she is retarded
all the girls that i spammed gyates to, in my conquest of spreading gyates everywhere, found them cute
pic rel is what they think is cute from gyate.net


tbf it was a crazy non-NT chick so I'll trust your judmeeperent
I haven't heard of the cafe posting gyates though, only fumo


wtf there are literally foids in real life who know what gyate is in the west


someone has to spread the virus..


are you still in high school


the style has been popular in the west since forever but nobody knows where 2chan is, like >>35293


ask karrar


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>ask karrar



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Do we need to shill OUR memes to THEM?? Think, boyim. Think


Yep im gonna need gyate whatsapp stickers to send to my fellas



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the filter's judgment is infallible; amerispellingGODs WON the trial against br*tishspellingtroons


the truth is that men are losing the gender war because women all support each other (so called womb solidarity) despite the stereotype of them being backstabbing bitches
while moids throw each other under the bus all the time despite the whole bros before hoes thing


Even doe gender solidarity doesnt exist and gynocentric culture only exist because women are better slave cattle wageslaves in the modern world then men


females: you look gorgeous, go get 'em queen :* xoxo
males: yo guys check out this pajeet subhuman, let's make him a new incel saint


That's a chad title though




Moids: yeah let's buck break this fella


Are fembots real? Someone said r9k is full of women because it's got tons of instagram users


They like the male attention they get and the gay blog posting


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He needs to see a derm


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You forgot one…
>Polygamy = Wholesome


Which BFC did this


they filtered nonnas apparently
I asked in the fumos thread





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Special Agent BFC


>Favorite Artist: My Bloody Valentine
>>36579 is that you?


how come femcelsphere foids are more likely to be into femdom and submissive/feminine men
is it because they're low E just like incels are low T


They want to do it as a revenge thing like how incels want a beta uprising


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>not Ms.


females make me uncomfortable




average foid (not twitter radfem) is nicer than average moid


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>average random most averagest moid to moid dialogue:
>-imagine if we actually
>-did total nigger death
>-wouldn't it be great
>-yeah that would be like would be the best thing
>-the bestest
>-the best thing ever
>-yeah the best that ever happened to mankind
>-yeah but what about the female nigger
>-killed too
>-yeah but what about rape
>-yeah no
>-rape nigger
>-no because it makes half niggers
>-it nullifies the total part
>-yeah okay make sense
>-but what about dead nigger girls
>-yeah that's alright
>yeah, great


Cuban conversation



File: 1709828110690.jpg (164.39 KB, 1024x1536, F51f1kDakAA2CqE.jpg)

>Woman politicians be like: Let's bring peace an civilization to the third world yay
>Moid politicians be like: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun


File: 1709828324863.jpg (10.81 KB, 500x500, 31RQ7zGCm4L._UXNaN_FMjpg_Q….jpg)

>Were women to "unsex" themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen, and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection.




>I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations.
Would work for the cuntoid quote


>We poor creatures are born for man's pleasure and amusement, and destined to go through endless sufferings and trials.
XXsistas… why have you did yourselves this dirty…


File: 1709838753867.png (8.43 MB, 2894x4093, 112676716_p1.png)

>I support TMD by not smiling to moids


They never did that anyways


if they ever do this they will use the simps to kill them ungoodies or some shit
Isnt there was some greek island where dykes killed men and rape them or some shit
Or you are talking about smiling? Yeah bitches dont smile at us, moids.




File: 1709896079357.png (654.37 KB, 931x457, Screenshot_20240308-120623.png)



File: 1709901486800.jpg (54.51 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41….jpg)

girls used to get money for doing nothing but then they created feminism


Birthing children and raising them is LE NOTHING



>men still expect us to sacrifice our bodies by shitting out their little selves in exchange of money and care? No, fuck that. Gibsmedat without the damn kids. Maybe until 40 an all used up I will think about it


File: 1710012218534.jpg (60.45 KB, 756x756, IMG_20240308_231343_035.jpg)

>men are so dumb. Why are they learning about Roman Empire and other history shit way after the school? Most ineffective waste of time imaginable. Why can't they learn about something interesting like divorce of bratt pitt and Angelina Jolie? Retards…


that's far easier than the jobs men used to have to do/still do


its value is just as important but it's far easier


Instincts make the foid care for the baby immediately, it's stronger than any instincts men have
Also, you just get knocked up and go along with it, while men have to be ambitious and put themselves out


jobs men do: making fake AI onlyfans accounts, crypto scams, collecting disability


Men have been forced to do this because society is a scam


File: 1710017955962.jpg (Spoiler Image, 5.06 MB, 2480x3508, illust_113617643_20240309_….jpg)

>jobs men do: joining gangs, spreading racism, misogyny and hate, collecting child porn, collecting crimes committed, collecting reasons for us women to be afraid of walking alone in the dark.


futa danger! futa danger!


File: 1710078827107.png (958.9 KB, 1254x822, 1710075454472284.png)

y are men like this


File: 1710079372685.png (Spoiler Image, 185.16 KB, 920x446, sam.png)

have to spoiler this one


File: 1710079435688.jpg (200.06 KB, 673x1200, GITo9NpasAAb0uu.jpg)

>there is two types of moids: the ones who destroy their bodies with some heavy chemistry medicine shit to "not look like a fag" and moids who do exactly the same but to "gayest queenie mchomoslurp superfaggot trappy femboyerino"


Holy fuck the time didnt spare Nicolas Cage


there's also the third type who doesn't care about looks but still destroys his body with chemicals (large amounts of booze)


I'm surprised he did this without booze


Holy fuc u right


File: 1710083365267.jpg (28.46 KB, 400x400, F9QLqwsN_400x400.jpg)

omg… zis is me…


File: 1710089420005.png (81.61 KB, 389x243, 11346 - diaper ears kishin….png)

I'd rather look like the right one


the right looks more sigma


File: 1710162143808.png (23.7 KB, 1464x972, illust_115750616_20240311_….png)

>Girl art: Nue in a wedding dress, Nue with bunny ears, Nue and 'Gasa eating ice cream and etc. Generally very well detailed, cute and effortful.
>Moid shart: Nue being gangraped by niggers, Nue emasculates the pov with comparing her giant futa cock with viewer's tiny pecker, Nue having a breakfast with eating shit from Byakuren's diaper and etc. Generally poor quality and made for pleasing someone's lowest desires or just for cheap laughs.


The right looks like his thulean father. A father who eats yogurt constantly


File: 1710175531236.png (45.76 KB, 428x369, file.png)


It's unironically over for young men


who the fuck is jeffery


File: 1710176194866.png (58.81 KB, 699x573, 1708119575093.png)

considering it's mentioned in the same sentence with crabs… not the good thing
STD of some sort




File: 1710176354905.png (37.19 KB, 799x600, oh crazy.png)

he got plural esptins geeeg he is grateful for that
only in ohio :skull:



File: 1710177762548.png (15.72 KB, 900x600, 11545 - glasses gun hat ta….png)


File: 1710178499728.png (22.85 KB, 652x298, Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 2….png)



File: 1710179861361.webm (839.14 KB, 508x480, VID_185020416_011730_043.webm)


It's from the self improvement channel hamza where he calls soyboys jeffries and that guy is referring to them as crabs in a bucket


File: 1710182688973.jpg (232.55 KB, 920x920, 920_o.jpg)

Adonis academy is old now it's all about mogwarts


File: 1710183031978.png (26.46 KB, 311x63, file.png)

bruh why is james sapphire some random arab


File: 1710183161961.png (206.38 KB, 1139x804, 1689324478546002.png)


File: 1710189473442.png (23.48 KB, 800x650, 1710177996155.png)

Looksmaxx corders hate racism. They are dumb facebook poridzhs


File: 1710242706187.webm (3.55 MB, 900x504, 1710198014296092.webm)


File: 1710247036431.png (89.21 KB, 600x450, 34 - alternate_hairstyle a….png)

Always gets me


File: 1710255813188.mp4 (68.27 KB, 674x592, [twitter] MuddyMusings—202….mp4)

>Moids le bad… le boys le baaad woah-woah-wooooah






I have not seen peak like this in 6+ months


File: 1710379603000.png (135.19 KB, 975x445, file.png)

What's her problem


all the things they enjoy are made by moids though


I've always found this to be the biggest flaw in the femcel "movement"


Correct me if I'm wrong but they call it "socieo economic factors"


File: 1710383751533.jpg (227.86 KB, 787x1014, hildegard-von-bingen.jpg)

Socio economic factors didnt stop the few women who made something of themselves shine. It's really because women are 1 person in different bodies so any forms of expression and creativity is rare to find in them


File: 1710384476680.png (19.65 MB, 5000x3758, 7694893aae1ee47e379dfc26f1….png)

what is a scrote?


It's like moid but femcels say it a lot more




File: 1710388507192.jpg (6.25 MB, 5000x6500, illust_116306747_20240314_….jpg)

>Female songs be like: happy birthday, love is all we need, et si tu n'existais pas.
>Moid songs be like: prison break anthem, fucked with a knife, kill your mother rape your dog.


the mQid mvsic in question:


Le heckin buyers marketerino too


hoooly shit I tried to post on lolcow farm while banned and it flipped the site upside down :O


Girl status: raped


there's the final confirmation that lolcow/cafe foids are giga malebrained (if overrepresentation of lesbians wasn't enough of a proof)
only moids are obsessed with monkeys


File: 1710399149167.png (746.75 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240314-095154.png)

Holy Mother of absolute shit.


female fromsoftware thread: cool fanarts, civil discussions about what they enjoy in the games, all around positive vibes
male fromsoftware thread:
>look at my video of invading beginners with a twink build and pointing down


>cool fanarts
Bruh half the thread is just gay porn


File: 1710407753035.png (75.44 KB, 692x277, file.png)

over for tiny peasant peckers


File: 1710409153124.jpg (415.47 KB, 1500x1400, 1650680052840.jpg)

I say this


File: 1710409727251.jpg (9 MB, 2508x4700, illust_116845562_20240312_….jpg)

Females are two retarded and normie to start fighting over some video game. They are hiveminded niggervermin with no real interest. Kill them


File: 1710410916204.mp4 (2.55 MB, 640x800, 3161601_2c2f9e87ea45ef37ea….mp4)


File: 1710438556278.png (11.66 KB, 900x900, GImF2kDbAAA0FVD.png)

>Female jokes be like: KNOCK, KNOCK. Who's there? Nobel. Nobel who? Nobel…that's why I knocked.
>Moid jokes be like: how to make a faggot fuck a girl…


File: 1710440172630.webm (625.27 KB, 389x400, hehe.webm)

>how to make a faggot fuck a girl…
a punchline that could save the society


The punchline is poop


Moids still haven't recovered from this


Also foids be like lel moids be like geg


File: 1710476240674.jpg (95.24 KB, 1024x912, 1608852432253.jpg)

Brain blast: Large ungulates like bvlls and horses are male gaze animals because theyre big and have big dicks while cats and dogs are female gaze because they have the hunter facial ratios. This is why men fantasize about women getting fucked by horses but women are actually copulating with dogs


Niggerbvlls… It is truly over you…


i thought he meant actual bulls and ungulate is the taxidermic term for the both cows and horses belong to it or someting


no… this is libel…


foids - a dying breed


File: 1710522932082.png (21.93 KB, 592x720, 44334 - SoyBooru.png)

>dumb retarded bitches are so retarded for having preferences. We need to restore no legal repercussions for rape or somethong like that to save the society. They are not humans anyway, they're bitches. Like animals or somethin. Fuck if they cry who cares. Demn bitches. Fuck em. And shit


ssp posted an infographic that explained biological quality declines under extended periods of female selection while rape is superior


>Or whatever the point of the motivational hardstyle meme video was about


looks like cuban if he was older


Hell on the dashboard is the highest IQ incel out there and he says women are selecting balding beta males because they are sage and easy to manipulate worsening the gene pool of the west


File: 1710525972895.gif (3.12 MB, 272x334, yeahsorrry.gif)

this but fr


BWC girl


I look and sound like this
bejitabro, btw


File: 1710635106703.jpg (212.03 KB, 1032x402, 1710073309772.jpg)

Why do foids hate this nigga I wonder


because he creepy stalked a woman duh


I know nothing about him except for the funny catchphrase and that he acked


File: 1710639386157.png (12.86 KB, 800x600, 10724 - konpaku_youmu perf….png)

Someone on this website said that crystal cafe has died over the years because imageboards stopped being trendy so the women left. But I see that the rival imageboard to crystal cafe called lolcowfarm is very active. What does this mean?


because he was cheyed as hell duh


the moid has TF2 on his PC
they know


female touhou fan humor: fumos, cirno baka, tewi pranking reisen, kogasa trying to scare people and failing
male touhou fan humor: tenshi earth, hina glass, tewi table



>women s-ACK!


File: 1710683235452.gif (881.35 KB, 738x554, 20230617_200911.gif)

>moids be like loooool


File: 1710685273858.jpg (97.73 KB, 860x1200, yamame_black.jpg)

without women we wouldnt have art like this
be thankful, moids.



File: 1710700424032.png (13.72 MB, 3000x4800, 115538925_p0.png)

>Great female quotes: A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bycicle.
>"Great" moid quotes: If the ass is farting, the ass is gonna shit.


That is a great quote


File: 1710700780962.png (206.2 KB, 800x752, 44 - hidden_star_in_four_s….png)

It's the Fais ce que dois, advienne, que pourra for the XY beasts.


Touhous don't shit they only fart, it's because their superior biology processes food efficiently enough that there's no poop and only gas


File: 1710703414356.png (4.51 MB, 1920x1080, file.png)

>A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bycicle [sic]



File: 1710715177266.jpg (1.61 MB, 3840x2160, 396759-wallpaper-guts-swor….jpg)

>Male twitch streamers: provide a look into top-level gameplay and give expert commentary on various political issues
>Foid twitch streamsers: https://twitter.com/nbasanji/status/1769075892507017475


Big Bang Fact Attack


File: 1710716664110.jpg (155.48 KB, 782x969, moid.jpg)

>top-level gameplay
>expert commentary on various political issues


File: 1710716708776.png (207.7 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png)



File: 1710716888831.png (229.97 KB, 540x404, koishi_wut.png)

>Trashy Animecore is a subgenre of Animecore centered around poorly drawn anime art, often on purpose, for a comical tone. Trashy Animecore can be noted on old anime memes from Nico Nico Douga (such as Gal-O Sengen) and old Fanimes (anime fanseries) from YouTube and Nico Nico Douga (such as Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls or Koishi Komeiji's Heart Throbbing Adventure).



>невыдуманные истории о, которых невозможно молчать
Or something


Holy transcore. Add gyate in there


File: 1710788585264.png (63.01 KB, 511x522, 6f21c2f974ef297465df5c4ccc….png)

Marky from r9k was the original umineko stacy whore.


File: 1710790220261.jpg (59.71 KB, 640x636, 7a1.jpg)


Does the fact that foids like 07th expansion prove that it's NT af


In and of itself it's NT and the message is NT but everything surrounding it is severely non-NT due to many environmental factors like the quirky artstyle, being "obscure", having a trans folk character, being deep, witches, ange being basically goth etc


All of these things are NT in 2024


File: 1710797499412.jpg (73.2 KB, 582x459, F71uOpGWEAA_FJu.jpg)

I can't find the tweet of manusenpai talking about eating tampons anymore



See? Dey not NT


Might be demi NT since he's doing it on social media for attention


>Why men are like this?


how does it feel being born the more barbaric and animalistic sex


I'm Shannon from Umineko in real life, but not a woman


this sentence activates my humiliation fetish


File: 1710868860015.jpg (26.72 KB, 305x343, 1680791899715.jpg)

Thats marky tho. All umineko culture is just rehashed r9k girl culture with the exception of the race bait aspect


i didn't mean it in a fetish way


File: 1710919861468.png (739.43 KB, 900x1249, 30b6e1201727c3a4220e646ae6….png)


I wouldn't know I'm a male 🤣



File: 1710984509499.png (295.19 KB, 5000x4390, muttf.png)


Yup, perused every word.


fr fr tho you should it's eye opening stuff


I read all of it and my dick got bigger at the end


Read the subheads and bullet points and it changed my entire life


the link alone is a groundbreaking truthbomb


File: 1711014290723.jpg (3.86 MB, 2400x2400, illust_81197903_20240321_1….jpg)

>describe yourself with a song name challenge
>women: The Flame, Frozen Angel, God is a Woman
>moids: faggot killer, born to rape the world, serial cocksucker


moids: let's genocide the conquered town and nail infants to trees
also moids: umm actually it wuz women


Troonttyoub didn't recommend me some koiskizo vids why is that did he say nigger or something


File: 1711022463618.jpeg (2.43 MB, 3600x3600, mumtnjthrlpc1.jpeg)

holy shit, tranny thread



File: 1711029986725.png (92.81 KB, 828x1159, file.png)

trucel + baby murder = chad smv


File: 1711037741220.jpg (208.52 KB, 1230x1000, 1708933351720.jpg)


File: 1711039081959.jpg (764.98 KB, 1306x1220, 1710346199340.jpg)


I remember going through accounts from there once and like half of them had posts about mental health issues


Female dating strats is the only place on the web where women are consistently honest and if you're an honest woman there is something seriously wrong w/ you


File: 1711041005664.png (113.85 KB, 800x650, a7aa150d2f95b81767b46ee375….png)

“It’s too late. It’s over…I’m 52. I’m not going to have any kids.”


This is so silly, you can obviously leverage celeb status to get an 18 year old hoe, maybe he's a male feminist


he fucks with black bvlls anyway


esther villar already proved this in the 70s


File: 1711064491649.mp4 (1.27 MB, 480x452, lanzaist-14640562267073454….mp4)

is that supposed to be adam lanza?


File: 1711069870620.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 41.77 KB, 278x393, IMG_7372.jpeg)

u didn’t invent anything girls can enjoy you only ever jerked off




File: 1711079656012.jpg (319.58 KB, 1920x1080, illust_109374647_20240320_….jpg)

Touhous are not different from the women in here



File: 1711218920182.png (213.37 KB, 640x253, file.png)


Holy trvke. Transkweens have my support. I'm an ally. Ally of global transreich's rule.


File: 1711224165215.jpg (15.1 KB, 311x347, 1694416049546.jpg)

>when I grow up I will be a doctor so I could drink girls' pee


File: 1711450602352.png (11.15 KB, 1064x79, 348234234234.png)

It's post like this that make me almost believe women are sentient


Holy trans rights, this subhuman cuntoid just shitted a huge steamy pile of truth


This has male writing style from my PoV, could be a male who usually lurks, and I don't think women think about that stuff


File: 1711465476294.png (8.66 MB, 3381x4461, 117119457_p0.png)

>Because I'm buzy with actually important stuff like make-up and shoes and haircut and gossips oh my gossips. Fuck that moid nerd crap teehee.


File: 1711500160494.webm (2.19 MB, 574x480, top_man_delta_male_ideolo….webm)

W*men, commonly known as foids, whores, hags, cunts, bitches, and a large plethora of other terms, are the direct antithesis of men. They are world-infamous for being an absolute and utter affront to essentially every facet of humanity, and, as such, nearly every problem on Earth, both past and present, can be solely attributed to the fact of their continued pitiful existence.
Originally, things were, for a time, not always like the foid-induced nightmarish reality we currently reside in. In the beginning, God created the first two humans on earth, Adam and Steve, in his own image. For a time, everything seemed to be in harmony, the concept of a "woman" being entirely non-existent in the first place. Unfortunately, Satan, disguising himself by taking the form of a serpent, slowly groomed Steve into transitioning into a cute femboy, shortly thereafter performing humankind's very first bottom surgery, bringing the very first foid into corporeality. This event is objectively known as the 'original sin,' though there is, strangely, a large opposition who deny this fact, namely Christkikes, who to this day desperately attempt to peddle various different falsehoods in order to conceal the truth.
Unfortunately, due to f*males being the "life"forms capable of human reproduction (secluding the fact that their reproductive system is entirely reliant on male sperm,) humans (as it would be a direct contradiction to classify a woman as belonging to the homosapien species) have had to tolerate their seemingly-endless bullshit since the very beginning of time - though as science develops and the notion of wombless gestation draws ever-so-closer to the possibility of being a reality with each passing day, it can be easily declared with good conscience that women will cease to exist as an individual species within the next century.


My theory on why normalbabas then women mass invaded fringe autist culture like Poopyneko/Tsukihime/Subahibi/GGXXAC+R is because people under 25-30 have no culture or worldly connections outside of pleasure and media which caused them to become truffle pigs for anything stimulating like Umineko is (stimulating to gen Z because it is wholly unusual in artstyle, themes and premise)… in the case of that guilty gear game the original franchise was canned and rebooted over a decade later because the artstyle and music were too unpopular for the franchise to have mainstream success which made the author despondent and remake it with a sanitized moe style, but the original franchise became twitter culture like subahibi did in the past few years because they want stimulating outlandish stuff and I see it appear often when I land on animecore profiles


if those things weren't unique and different you wouldn't care about them either unless you're some turboautist who consumes as much media as possible


Yeah but societal forces caused normalcaca hoardes to become interested in these things when it would previously not happen
I think it's overall a good thing because it means more art and etc. but ggxxac+r was equally dead before and after the twitter discovery so I assume it means they're all secondaires because I couldn't finish that Subahibi shit


File: 1711565137141.jpg (379.48 KB, 1600x1120, Le-Dejeuner-sur-l-Herbe-Ed….jpg)

>Agatha Christie novel but le tranime is unique and outlandish
Yeah no. Everything popular was niche and quirky at some point. You got into those things right when the ball was rolling into the mainstream


File: 1711639974353.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 7.23 MB, 448x336, 8855.mp4)

First message on the server:
From a girl: Hi, I'm Ashley, nice to meet you!
From a moid:


I would laugh my ass off if someone sent that to me


File: 1711641261343.jpg (201.53 KB, 1536x2048, GJrwKQbbUAAl8KT.jpg)

boys will be boys


File: 1711726107139.jpg (844.07 KB, 900x1440, 38469795807fd475e0dbc1b4f5….jpg)

>Touhou humour:
>From girls: Dino gyates, Fumo bounce
>From moids: Top 10 Hard-to-Rape Touhous, Touhou Futa Cock Ratings


Do you actually find this shit funny?





Girl humor? Sometimes. Moid humor? >>42673.


I thought you liked poop humour



Chadface yes


thats porn


File: 1711796595111.png (150.74 KB, 1024x1169, file.png)


File: 1711798017859.png (250.08 KB, 530x602, GJ3spNiXIAIkeQF.png)

>moid tears are so yummy


Women are healing


When you gonna donate to her patreon.


File: 1711827110660.png (24.71 KB, 703x673, 65779.png)



Soytan says this to grift the incels on the party to grow her audience for the inevitable only fans drop


File: 1711827645339.gif (120.16 KB, 800x500, 9541 - animated funny impe….gif)

This would proof her right gegegeg


Thats literally the female grift mentality tho. Talk about how women are all whores who fake things for attention to validate the 'cels and then do that exact same thing but claim youre still one of the good ones.


Women voted Hitler into power while men brought Robespierre into power.
Men are the biggest civilisation destroyers.


men voted for hitler more and all of the major female orators at the time were commie scum. Your false admiration for women will not compel them to breed with you imp


what are you talking? the KPD practically only consisted of low value men.


This nigga got rid of his competitors with kvadratisch practisch gud killing doe


You frickin zogbots, nobody counts your votes.


File: 1711831905340.jpg (12.97 KB, 220x244, 220px-RLuxemburgCpWz.jpg)

Their leaders and orators were mostly women. Communism intersected with feminism. A good chunk of the famous commies from weimar republic were women which is a trend in all leftist movements throughout the 20th century. I don't think there's ever been a case where women deviated from men in voting in a significant way anyway so ur just grasping to justify your simpery



File: 1711832571391.png (42.4 KB, 759x170, frauen in deutschland.PNG)

>Communism intersected with feminism
Not in Germany. But imagine if you actually knew for once what you were talking about…


This artist posted here that one time


Status maxx. Hitler was an incel before he got into power and then when he became the furher by killing his enemies and taking advantage of german the disgruntled working class of germany he became attractive. Thats why Goebbels' wife tried to cheat on him and fuck hitler but before that there's rumors that she fucked one of the leaders of irgun who was a chad yid. This is the mindset of right wing women. The most racist cracka becky will betray everything she believes if she has a shot of one night with Jeremy Meeks.
first off, feminism =| thing women support.
Second, give me actual data that women voted more conservatively than men in 1930s germany instead of some clip from a random article that was probably taken out of context. 26.5% of women voted for nsdap when they had managed something like 35% of the total vote in germany.


the only data I could find is from Berlin in 1929 where the proportion of NSDAP voter was like 45% women and 55% men
But I did not say that women voted NSDAP, it's the other german parties that helped Hitler into power and lefti wing values such as democracy and socialism were just irrelevant to unknown among german women


Well it's like I said before you cant attest these things to women since they mostly just vote the same as men do in pretty much all cases. If I had to bet on it though I would still say these conservative anti liberal anti socialist parties were majority men but im not gonna bother to do the research right now


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File: 1711834618439-2.png (106.29 KB, 816x569, d4.PNG)


File: 1711834824689.gif (6.26 MB, 640x640, cool-i-dont-speak-spanish-….gif)


>If I had to bet on it though I would still say these conservative anti liberal anti socialist parties were majority men
If the SPD never gave women the vote, these anti-liberal and anti-socialist parties would have never succeeded in the first place.
Only men believed in liberalism and socialism because these were obscure foreign imports. The only reason why the Weimar Republic existed in the first place is because a fringe group of liberals managed to backstab the monarchy and usurp control over the country and force peace on the country with the support of British Finance.


File: 1711855674999.gif (10.68 KB, 220x167, fact-do-you.gif)


>This is the mindset of right wing women.
>right wing
no such thing cuntoids are apolitical and opportunistic


File: 1711859034513.jpg (414.51 KB, 2048x1448, GJ7EqOlaAAA3V8r.jpg)

>Yeah, Chad Chadson, kill niggers or whatever you say or something, hey, do you want to make out?


Oh my reading comprehension


File: 1711904903675.jpg (265.46 KB, 1000x1529, F2MkUOVbkAAaSb6.jpg)

>boys are silly tee-hee


File: 1711906014942.gif (72.19 KB, 640x568, kill-yourself-kys.gif)






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>it's somehow men's fault


Why do you post mamizou when making these posts


because shes the wors touhou charactet


To me she looks like a baizuo, simple as that. Sumireko would suffice too doe


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>crystal cafe users: lets make our banners quirky funny beautiful an cute
>soijack sharty users: lets make all all banners full of weird gross fetish porn and people being beheaded


Sharty teens can not be considered men, or human for that matter


Fartykeks are all normaltrannys as they oppose pedophilia




only because theyre 12 so its not pedophilia for them. Give it 10 years


holy fuark… sharty getting btfo'd in this thread… how will trannies ever recover?


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FNWO wins


Yeah, without a single bullet being shot, men just gladly spread their cheeks in spite of normal foids


>Bend over, freak
<Yes, miss random whore with a penis (probably a tranny but passing way to simple, anyway) AAAAAAGH


Pepperchini ,die,. ia die..


File: 1712464674529.png (346.84 KB, 1707x893, file.png)

I wonder if 'fe can restore content from these wipes, I don't think I've seen them do so


File: 1712466184202.jpg (38.68 KB, 500x357, tumblr_md17w4qBlf1rkwveqo1….jpg)

W baby L foids




File: 1712480267535.mp4 (85.11 KB, 736x1080, VID_20240407_115729.mp4)

>hating men


holy shit lol


File: 1712677772660.webm (Spoiler Image, 4.49 MB, 1920x1080, 9197f574c07007c07aa27b164….webm)

>Every plap in my bitchboy's ass is a nail in the patriarchy's coffin


File: 1713206898704.jpg (392.58 KB, 2048x2048, GJ_XOVSaIAAeoWU.jpg)

>Women be like: laughing baby meme, baby plays with a puppy meme
>Moids be like: DNB, the meme with a toddler crying being used to mock people


Counter argument baby seija


File: 1713248763118.png (24.7 KB, 600x680, applegasa.png)

and yet, no baby seija. curious.


A couple of posts above




u wouldn't 🐝 here if not 4 a male.


File: 1713290661751.jpg (1.45 MB, 2731x4096, GLQXvb7bYAAOcFi.jpg)

>Sub-five = lower than dirt under my feet
>Mid = you can compete to give me something (money, presents, etc.)
>8 and above = alright, let's fuck, sweetie


Too real


File: 1713381264638.jpg (150.77 KB, 980x1080, GKx22HVa8AA7a0Z.jpg)

>Guys be like: yeah I deserve at least some pussy because Im a fat retard with greasy hands, unwashed face and with a little bit of cum on my t-shirt. I will offer her my bag of half-eaten cheetos, a warm bed with left-overs of said cheetos and my folder of 'cado OF pics



>a FemeNatSoc thread? on the 'culture?
>I guess there's only one way to find out


File: 1713828472894.jpg (178.77 KB, 1354x1938, GLoS-4rbAAAEDJ5.jpg)

i hate tersf


>this is a gay only village
most radfems are secretly lesbian so they should be allowed


File: 1713849446881.png (23.26 KB, 338x35, Screenshot_2024-04-23_01-1….png)

ah, male culture


It would.


Peeing in ass. Is this nigga 12 years old or something


glistening emerald from polish reddit, translated by deepl so there may be weird parts

It makes me laugh how it was men who dug themselves a hole and now they are outraged that they are in it xD

Men thousands of years ago dug themselves a hole, jumped into it and dragged women into it by force. And it was an awesome hole! Men were allowed everything, women nothing. Property ownership? The man's! A woman what is she supposed to do? Bear children, give them food and open their legs! If a woman gets sick, who will know about it? The husband! Who inherits the property? The son! Who is the most important in the country? The king! The emperor! The emperor!
It was indeed an awesome pit. As time went on, it started to get a little uncomfortable. The idea that the strongest would rule caused a bit of a scorcher, and suddenly it became apparent that coordinating policy with large armies of murder-hungry men would lead to the death of those men. A couple of decisions, it must be admitted, were misguided. But the bottom line is still awesome! Girls are supposed to learn and obey at school! Boys? Boys will be boys, it's important that he passes at most, yes it's a big boo! Abortion of the child? Loose, a man's decision - if not the father then a doctor or a judge! The bottom was awesome….

And now imagine, folks, that after thousands of years of being kept in that pit, and after thousands of years of working to change it, women slowly began to emerge from the pit. They managed to regain some of their human rights, civil rights, etc. They slowly distanced themselves and surreptitiously climbed until they managed to be one foot out of the pit already.


And how did the men react to this?
Well, how about, they grabbed her other leg because they suddenly realized that they themselves had done nothing to get out of the pit (because why should they) xD "If you want equality so much, then go into the army yourself!" - shouted one, even though we have whole Mulan-type stories, because for hundreds of years it was unthinkable that a woman, a child-parent, a delicate flower what is supposed to look pretty for a man and not have scars and injuries, should be allowed to go into the army, even if she wanted to!
"Women are admitted to college more often and have easier access to education!" - shouted the other, despite the fact that he himself made little Kasia buckle down in classes while Krzyś was skateboarding on truancy, because Kasia is supposed to study well to be a good mother and wife, not to have fun in her head.
"It's easier for women to find a guy, they only choose rich guys and have sex every Friday!" - shouted a third, after having for hundreds of years scolded every woman who took advantage of carnal joys before marriage from devils and condemned to humiliation, forcing each one to abstain from getting laid by men right and left, and forcing them to reject the advances of 90% of daredevils until she finds one who will "give the family a lot of money and status."

And that's how our hilarious story ends, with men who are used to always being on top suddenly not only realizing that women can come out on an even playing field, but that they continue to sit in the pit! And they don't like it very much. The end! :D

PS. Statistics show that the most favorable group for men are feminists. They are more pro-male than men themselves by several percentage points.
In that case, I guess I don't count myself out after all, because I'm happy to see how there men live in their own pit. Warm regards.


Terrible analogy pooped.
>men le like femhitlers
A study from Dr. Kikestein?


the auto translate shat itself there, it should be something like feminists are group most supportive of men



tsmt white women and black queens actually contributed the most to science and technology but then white men and niggers just swooped in and stole it from them. Something Mr.Zogberg won't tell you about in school


>Women are fucking crazy bro, cmon man male rights, think about hitler
Men: https://incels.is/threads/gentlemen-give-it-up-for-itsover.50679/


It's your moral duty to gaslight hapacels into killing their parents and going ER.


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>Just be normal and have a cool personality bro your incel vibe gives girls the ick


File: 1713984039022.jpg (630.73 KB, 1639x2048, 69c388b5d3d06993a8cc61be47….jpg)

>Hundreds will be reborn cursed, and they'll bear thousands of cursed children, who'll bear tens of thousands more.
>A few of those will be born just like me, and they'll kill, and defile, and bless in my stead!


File: 1713987757106.mp4 (4.59 MB, 480x854, If you could get a girlfri….mp4)

Umm it works incel


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Why are moids so unfaithful?


no worries gen z and alpha girls will fix it by rejecting most men


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If we are bantus than who are tutsis? Is it 'fe whores? Boy bros… it's time to cut the tall trees


Banttrannies are bantus frog gangsters are khoi khois and soycacas are angloids


File: 1714026989994.jpg (454.32 KB, 1170x1657, 1713974659584504157.jpg)



we only do a little bit of that



File: 1714059443710.jpg (82.92 KB, 1125x816, GL9raJHXMAArirg.jpg)

omg ТП Бинго but reversed


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oh baby a triple


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So, where's the line of 'fe gf bitches for this beast of an aryan?


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Eye'm surprised you don't do drugs


What do i win


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Just like me fr


Me and bint


File: 1714515411651.jpg (210.61 KB, 1062x1275, redflagbingo.jpg)

is it over for me?


women be like weird kinks/sexual depravity bad then fantasize about fucking criminals and dogs


female sexuality is fear response


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me: bitches be dum and shiiiieeet
Dem bitches: what did that scrote just said?


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I think i did pretty good


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religious masturbates daily are you jewish or something


File: 1714665117926.jpg (323.2 KB, 1170x1657, bingo.jpg)


File: 1715253159857.png (1.41 MB, 1096x1644, __futatsuiwa_mamizou_touho….png)

>Cute anime girl picture cooments:
>Grils: *Cute*
>Scrotes: *Rape*, *BBC*, *Implying it's a tranny*


>xhe thinks that BBCposting is a male-only profession


File: 1715378087819.jpg (88.63 KB, 640x335, fcb376eba4a8441860e60f8d0f….jpg)

so much this


this happened BTW its real and true


File: 1715380051844.png (476.4 KB, 1050x1264, file.png)

6'2 so not short
dont hate disabled people
great hygine cuz OCD
not really sexist
dont watch documentaries
no phone at all
no guns in the cUcK
agnostic but open to religion
no trash (aforementioned OCD)

No bingo though


did a passer or nonpasser make this one


not a tranny just an obese man, aged 30-40


File: 1715380593478.png (70.4 KB, 460x323, 1713834813826196.png)

I hope you saved this ironically


I see you're new around these parts, his sense of humor is quite dark and eccentric


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Women be like: aaagh please don't rob me bigger, you better fuck me with that BBC! Nooooo, don't kill me!


this happened to my buddy eric


men are funnier than women even when it comes to fetishes
male fetishes: feet, farts, futa (funny)
female fetishes: criminals, werewolves, vampires (not funny)


File: 1715702134253.png (48.99 KB, 400x275, 11371 - american_ringo bea….png)

girls - i just planted a pipe bomb in your mailbox discord gif moids - just raped a kid in the woods discord gif


File: 1715722779944.png (28.29 KB, 426x38, Screenshot_2024-05-14_17-3….png)

why are males liek this


File: 1715724413316.png (22.17 KB, 800x500, satori_gyate_wtf.png)


i have a visible trashpile that mainly consists of double ipa cans and empty milk bottles now


i just took an hour long hot shower to support women's rights worldwide


Docilest boyim award


ugh conceptualize ze aroma….


>not mentioning hurting satori
>still moids le bad



putting something in someone's urethra is worse than punching them


File: 1716303798614.jpeg (106.43 KB, 902x1280, GM0u4raXEAA_hCB.jpeg)

>putting something in someone's urethra is worse than punching them


women talking about trannies
>OH MYY GAAAWHHG, his hair is soooo baaad
>i wouldnt be caught dead in that dress
>yikes her makeup pallet is all wrong!
>no way would i let this man in my bathroom!

men talking about trannies
>fuck yeah id fuck that hell yeah broo
>id ass rape him and shit. I dont care thats a dude bro


forgot to mention how ladykeks false admire transchads for being whvlesvme in attempt to get more virtue signaling points because vote blue no matter who


Speaking of banning homos why was lady dank banned? Sure he didn't #getit but he was funny and making oc and shit


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free my nigga LP


He left because he thinks gyates are traced cp


oh yeah i vaguely remember that drama


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Holy stupid


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men are the real problem


men more attractive than i are the real problem


>Moids are more than happy to be threated like this and still wonder why we don't respect them



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holy aryan tbp pissing on foid gnarfgnarfgnarfgnarfgnarf


File: 1716839903324.webm (942.88 KB, 320x584, 1716824646360218.webm)

>woman is thirsty in the hot climate and needs hydration
>generous man kindly provides her with hydration
>ungrateful femoid runs away because he wasnt a chad


in the normal world:
>thank you kind sir, my jacket can use some hydration and my face also



Holy based independent freethinking sigmaking


was expecting this to be a pepper spray video
wtf man i cant stop laugh


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so lolcow foids are lusting after putin apparently
now we know who voted hitler into power


ofc women cant rape.
>93% of sexual offences
a man can create life in a island filled with women. a woman cannot create life in a island filled with men. if you blame men for it you are blaming god
>87% of murders
most of it are caused by women
>85% robberies
who would feed the w*men
>80% of aresons
simple logic. women cause it


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just goes to show that mewmaxing, grinding and getting money and power will make women overlook the fact that you are a manlet


Bitches shouted at the Big H "make me a baby" when he was driving around. Or so I've dreamed



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Do you really look like this


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>I wonder what uncle dane would look like if he wasn't hideously bald
This guy:


File: 1717000208999.jpg (181.96 KB, 960x1431, 20240529_122824.jpg)

This one made me lol


typical low iq normgroid
the reason is obviously because it confuses the cultural sexual diphormism between the sexes


this dude 100% powergames and minmaxes in every video game he touches


uh oh foidsisters this isn't a good look for us


Nerf moids.


File: 1717224769385.png (2.52 MB, 1600x2000, 118976725_p0.png)

Moids be like yea it le hot


How is it not


evil ass art style


saint breasts artstyle


>alexandrov back at it again with the bad posts


Foids why are you like this?


陰キャ lookin bitch


foid: gets another promotion in her high paid career, plans exotic holiday where she'll meet lots of interesting people (chads)
moid: makes a gameplay video where he talks about how college is a scam and there are no jobs anymore and dating is dead


File: 1717432445377.jpg (1.94 MB, 2668x3169, GPFI2HVaoAA-uNn.jpg)

>when a group of moid make jokes about rape and you in typical female nature think about worst and take it on your account


I want to violently fuck Murasa.


File: 1717567093250.png (212.17 KB, 1967x1591, 72976 - SoyBooru.png)

New Cuban meepermy


Why do rwcels always need to take finny left wing memes and flip them around. Talk about lame!


File: 1717567987915.png (130.4 KB, 2048x2048, 36578 - SoyBooru.png)

I agree I just thought it was funny Mr Nebula is back





Also he posted Cirno on his twitter like 5 months ago


Does anyone have the picture of mr nebula's face where you can see futanari porn in the reflection of his glasses??
I would be eternally grateful if anyone posts it, it would make me so happy


File: 1717568866739.png (Spoiler Image, 1.83 MB, 2208x2944, 1686636375350.png)


oh my god thank you


File: 1717569107541.jpg (Spoiler Image, 186.79 KB, 1600x900, 1694880605611.jpg)


Banger killfeed name


hina glass(es)


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>My body - my choice


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what are the sex offenses except rape and prostitution
exhibitionism or something?


sexual assault that isnt rape


all me btw


most men would rape if they were given the chance because men are predatory by nature
this is evident when you see their group behavior on places like here and 4chan, where they don't have repercussions for what they say


File: 1717953040891.jpg (824.23 KB, 1000x1000, 79254139_p0.jpg)

I'm a knight in shining armor who would defeat the evil rapists


Even me? :(


most 4/10 psl dysgenic incels would mew and looksmax if they were given the chance because 4/10 psl dysgenic incels are dysgenic and have no jawline by nature
this is evident when you see group behavior in places like clubs and social gathering, where they don't have repercussions for what they mew


The PSL system goes by 8 you poser


God kill all women


this game looks gay as hell



This channel was really interesting until 2023 but he sold out rapidly and everything good is buried under clickbait, I can't even navigate to old videos I had seen


the west has fallen….


The most interesting thing I gleaned from the channel was about how narcissism, conscientiousness and so on are usually inborn and strongly heritable, which included predisposition towards religion and many other traits


File: 1718553305462.jpg (132.7 KB, 1759x1329, GQEx7C3XkAAzzgq.jpg)

Do cuntoids really find this shit funny? https://twitter.com/_saintcola/status/1764174537338318860


idgi whats the joke. women really do have awful humor.
btw stupid frog bitch thats improper workplace conduct. hr will be hearing about this.


Holy absolute undisputed mass of nigger shit


New thought provoking stonetoss comic


File: 1718734471642.png (222.25 KB, 460x273, file.png)

>get over it lmao


File: 1718734598137.png (80.21 KB, 565x333, file.png)

from a distance this looked like it said sometimes you really cuck with someone so well, you forget your differences



of course it looks like an animal



File: 1718852318913.jpg (81.84 KB, 792x733, GQdAZRmWMAANm9D.jpg)

LTN gives up the only cooch he'll ever get for league of legends, I didn't know gaming was that serious


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Dantes is a high tier normie plus status max so hes like 11/10 smv. He does have crazy gay face and fag voice so maybe he'll come out as a homo.


>>675literally; who 04


>high tier normie


I had no idea who that La Liga player was until now but I needed an excuse to use the image "No I think I've discovered the ickiest ick of all time" I found


File: 1718855701876.png (131.54 KB, 799x799, 67004 - SoyBooru.png)

forgot georgedy award


>so hes like 11/10 smv
too high for twitch streamers


The guy who got me into black pill was a chad lite with a double digit body count


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File: 1719046942267.jpg (1.43 MB, 1949x1378, GQpTf_gakAMC9F0.jpg)

>male hate thread


fuck. men.


Do people actually care about this shit


Why are men like this


>Why are men like this


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File: 1720028845999.mp4 (1.43 MB, 640x640, ssstwitter.com_17200241507….mp4)


Dio should've lost to Alucard



File: 1720040304765.gif (828.22 KB, 500x342, 17174056940011.gif)

>be me
>got to bintie 2
>see male hate thread
>it's stealth female hate thread
>oh… ~


File: 1720377066084.png (Spoiler Image, 882.5 KB, 1080x764, file.png)

new 'toss ili shto-to acola tavou



>yes sister! Rape is indeed no bueno
>teehee. Porn))))))
>oh… ~


women try to commit them they just dont show up on the stats because they fail


t. heels in the ionosphere


omg my heckin post irony my heckin sex


they all have same voice


Did you know tons of women love popping pimples and sniffing toddler feet for some reason


Popping pimples is kino


Excavating blackheads is peak.


File: 1721246581200.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 11.32 MB, 1280x720, 16989300893730.mp4)

>I heard you ladies love animal crossing


Your whore fetish is getting out of hand


georgedy wakeup


>bro calm down


File: 1721360886541.png (217.03 KB, 643x631, Screenshot_20240716_003055….png)

if women can use that bingo to evaluate on mens then we should be able to use this bingo to evaluate women


my brain hurts


is this true or not


Omg ТП Бинго


File: 1721426186297.gif (454.61 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif)


moids will complain about not being able to express their feelings and then will call eachother "gay" and "faggot" for not being manly enough





File: 1721430599160.webp (49.41 KB, 1000x750, ryukishi071.webp)

It's because the majority of negative feelings experienced are a choice and other men are just helping them brush that out of the way so the victim of harassment can learn to experience more happiness


emotions aren't a "choice", and keeping the negative ones inside only makes you a worse person, sadness turns into hatred


File: 1721433543988.png (20.9 KB, 800x600, 7920 - doremy_sweet forwar….png)

Emotions aren't a choice, but emoting them is. You have the power. Let that sink in.


and why shouldn't you?


Because baldcelstoicgamer1256 said so


Its important to self regulate especially when it comes to negative emotions like anger or jealousy. While you shouldn't be fake and should strive to be genuine with people, it's important to know when not to voice your frustrations and take things on the chin. For example, a coworker of mine is always going on about how nobody does their job and how she's always having to pick up after everyone else - and the hitch is, to a moderately large degree, she's right. From her perspective, being correct is the end all be all and it makes her come off as pretentious and whiny. Basically, the idea is that you should strive to express your emotions in a dignified manner as this gives you flexibility to express yourself without burning bridges.

The issue i took with your statement is that it implies that emotions are more like a force of nature than an aspect of a person. Untrue. Your emotions are uncontrollable, but selectively expressing yourself is possible and I think that's what they meant when they said emotions are a choice.


my emote wheel is empty


I never complained about not being able to express my feelings this is a strawman


actually that's what females do they complain about toxic masculinity then dump the guy who opened up to them


They will breed with somewhat attractive bullies and then betabuxx with nerds. Women love criminals


My take on this is that emotional control is the hallmark of a higher being, and people at the top are able to consciously choose how they feel


George RR Martin debunked this


This was an accurate post


Tolkien won doe


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File: 1722098025864.png (21.1 KB, 800x600, 8535 - carrot crying frown….png)

In some youtube video about them women who committed them warcrimerinos like being an executioner in them deathcamps or something the interviewman said that men cannot like endlessly stay sanae while doing such an unwholesome kind of activity but women on the other hand can kill trillion puppies and feel nothing about it like just another wednesday. As some incelmonk pointed out it's natural because men die on the war or get clawed by bear all the time and so mother nature made women so heartless like for the sake of continuing the bloodline a girl would cry like some hours but then she will jump in another man's bed later that day. Pic unrelated.


File: 1722135433668.png (745.53 KB, 1080x1465, file.png)


why does she use quotation marks like that? is it some secret femcel code or just autism?


CPY and CODEX died for this


Thomas777 type posting


Do you guys think empress is a guy or a girl


plot twist: it's a moid and he hates indians because they took his coding job


File: 1723015620446.jpg (375.47 KB, 1040x1561, 20240807_032531.jpg)



i love a women who would beat me violently


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File: 1723856443161.mp4 (41.81 MB, 1920x1080, xjZwbD8zkIOkdB3-.mp4)

>The rape train is coming you dirty foid-ACK


File: 1724934416515.png (33.96 KB, 684x272, file.png)

We're rewriting history with this one 🗣️🔥💯


mogs me


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The job of the prostate is to protect the man from leaking pee while he's having sex. It acts as a switch that allows semen to escape while keeping the semen in (This is why It's so hard to pee when you have an erection). I'm not an expert but to me it seems possible that you could set it back to allowing urine in, and semen out by pressing on it a certain way, which might cause squirting. A lot of the women on the thread talked about pressing on their partners prostate, so they might be doing that.

I know that it's possible to cause a retrograde ejaculation (semen entering the bladder instead of exiting the penis) if you press the prostate a certain way.


Koreans are all sorts of messed up, meanwhile in based Japan there are no pedophiles anywhere


a Korean I talked to said otherwise


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In school I had a north korean female refugee from NK. She was such an introverted femcel. Fugly chink. She like could barely speak ziggerian and was kinda stupid. She like barely talked at all. I wonder if she became hot. It's like she left after the 7th or 8th grade and nobody noticed. Lmao. Wasnt thinking about her in ages… . Weird.


Wrote nk twice i am goofy


Even ugly dysgenic subhuman women are lusted over and desired. Think about it


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nothing to think about


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>male hate thread


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Women would rather fuck this than the average male… it's over


damn, canadian women are fucking desperate if they're having sex with cats of all animals, rather than 6/10 men.


File: 1725258215491.png (315.4 KB, 768x512, illust_121753367_20240901_….png)

>male hate thread


You mean bears


Its the vagina with theeth from ancient mythoooos


>if only I had teeth down there…

Is it was a girl with a down syndrome?



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This is entertaining


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lowkeydeadinside on the right



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>male hate thread



She's had sex with 12 Asian PSL gods


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bluepillers: just talk to women as if they were men
me: hey babe, which touhou do you think has the biggest cock?


Fellow incel…


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a good Korean or a south Korean?



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>male hate thread


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Thats what i do to all futakuks


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Thank you for your service


Balls of steel


1. capture every moid who made fun of women losing eggs on twitter
2. capture every foid who made fun of male pattern baldness on twitter
3. put them on some remote island together, place armed guards around the island so it's impossible to escape
>but how does it solve the incel problem??
It doesn't. But people are a little more kind now :)


There is no war, there's genocide of unattractive men's sex life


no chvddy, innocent femalequeens are getting caught in crossfire between mgtow redpillers and feminist cat ladies


Bald men and cat ladies will be #MakingOutSoon


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>jap radfems demanding women-only cities (white men are okay)


How you let a goblin ahh nigga bitch you 💀💀💀


wtf? source for this?sounds retarded i need to check it out



so apparently they had a fundraiser, it got taken down and they said "no returns hehe" cant find anything about letting white men in tho


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She's talking about /bant/ btw


i'm all of those dough


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Why is she attacking me? I support trump edging kamala's bbc



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Just relistened to Sk8er Boi after 15 years and noticed the lyric about the girl becoming a single mother for the first time because bp


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This nigga bruh


just now at dinner I said "bald people only have themselves to blame because they didn't go to the hair gym enough" and then my mom said "I'll be sure to tell that to you when you turn 25 and your hair starts falling out" like wtf what did I do to deserve that


so glad i never have to deal with this


lol get rekt by mum


You opened yourself up for it


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Why are men like this?


How does synethetic man call other people soyboys while looking like that?

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