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[View News - 10/15/24]

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10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
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11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

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[Orin] [Archive]

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Buddhists are le peaceful
>Vietnam civil war
>Myanmar civil war
>Khmer rouge
>Ethnic cleansing of napalis from Bhutan
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all eastern religions are silly and everybody knows it
but instead of having cute retarded heretics like pagans they just have strange women


Don't kill POW's, send them back home once the conflict has ended in a prisoner exchange.


I support militant Buddhists against abrahamic niggers all the way.


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>Buddhists are le peaceful
>>Vietnam civil war
>>Myanmar civil war
>>Khmer rouge
>>Ethnic cleansing of napalis from Bhutan


File: 1740911572327.jpg (88.98 KB, 240x210, 1738178487164(1).jpg)

>Vietnam civil war
>Myanmar civil war
>Khmer rouge
>Ethnic cleansing of napalis from Bhutan

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Hitler was right about the russhits tbh
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Switzerland/Lichtenstein/Andorra/Singapore are fake countries


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>Switzerland isn't a real countr-ACK!


Nice reddit meme bro i really got a chuckle out of it



Ask someone who does know.


those who know:

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>retards thought they would get the epstein list but they got rickrolled instead
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my guy at the fbi says ac was on that list but was forced to redact it otherwise he would expose his gay erp chat logs


Who even gaf about that as if the goyim will do anything about it


Normalfags thinking shit will happen, because my hecking kiddorinos when shit should have happened with the Panama, paradise and pandora papers.


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it was expected lmao


I said rabbit rabbit this morning

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uhhhhhhhhhhh my gimmick is that i make posts of zero substance lol im keeping the board alive guys
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Make threads with substance

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Niggas im visiting my grandma
How do i make her stop talking about politics?
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where's the vertex


You got weed in Uruguay just be stoned


She wont listen, she will outright refuse to shut the fuck up


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>Grandma's 30 minute rant about Judaism and it's various tribes
Evoke it, let her vent. Then go out and get ice cream or something.


File: 1740861210079.webm (828.13 KB, 364x360, 1740628859131626.webm)

Your grandma is dumb for being a commie but she is based on the jewish question.

Also can anyone with the remote ban that balkantranny judaic butt pirate, thanks.

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>Chüddies, cuckservatives and tankies celebrating way to early thinking an ever lasting peace will be signed and EVROPA will have cheap gas from Poutine land again even though perpetual war keeps the BRICS nations currencies weak
<Troons, Neocons, Libshits, and tankies panicking thinking president Zellig is literally gonna be hanged at the Hague and that the Baltic's will be invaded next even though the UK France and Türkiye doubling weapon shipments such as drones and mid range ballistic missiles

Meh, meanwhile I'm just patiently waiting to see which side will break the ceasefire/Minsk 3.0 agreement this time because I don't suffer from short term memory loss as a result of actively avoiding the consumption of corn syrup.
Yes, could I get extra cheese with my nothing burger?
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shit nobody cares about award



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If they prices for shit wont go down these faggots can kill each other all they want


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>be playing y4
>get to the part where you help lilly as a hostess
>buy her dress etc, get decent stats
>no requests
>go back into dressing room
>add glitter blush
>change lipstick color
>all stats go down to 0
why is this nigger minigame like this? the hostess games were so fun in kiwami and kiwami 2 but they blow dick in 3 and 4. idgi. why did they make this so tedious? why do i only have 3 chances? why don't the clothing items/makeup options have actual numerical stats so i can minmax? am i supposed to just fucking learn by trial and error? easily the most retarded and frustrating mechanic in the game. worse than those faggots who stand in front of staircases and swing chairs at you. worse than enemies with guns. worse than QTEs during boss fights.
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File: 1740130046317.webp (8.24 KB, 443x388, dontfuck.webp)

wtf. new 'kuza game just dropped and i didnt hear about it.


yakuza 3 has a gamefaqs guide on how to make an jack of all trades hostess costume with stats good enough you never have to change it again, dunno about 4. Also yes this minigame is FUCKING DOGSHIT!


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im cancelling it sorry


Just made it illegal to froag, sorry sisters


File: 1740759709830.mp4 (18.12 MB, 576x576, Alpha.mp4)

ok lil bro


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Tfw i cant tell if this is real or not because the UK is that retarded and managed to take huge swaths of peoples personal data with the Apple back door

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soyboy wojak thread
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this needs a bump


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It lichrilly doesn't…

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I love huge milkers
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File: 1739643565879.png (140.62 KB, 242x225, file.png)

r 18 heil hitler


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Dawg there's one of these for every touhou


this is my reaction


This faggot is like an elimentary school student. He is like "OH MY GAWD INEQUALITY EXIST!!! THERE'S LIKE LITERALLY NO SUCH THING LIKE FAIRNESS". Holy shit. This Bitch was born yesterday.

There is no God. There is no punishment for evil, nor reward for doing good. There is no fairness. Karma is a fairytale for the fools.
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>There is no God. There is no punishment for evil, nor reward for doing good. There is no fairness. Karma is a fairytale for the fools.


this is true because im not rich


so true




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this couldve been you but you chose to larp as a nazi tradcath with some people who turned out to be all either mexicans or indians
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josou seme


Kike face


Stunning and brave


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The most jewish square in all of mine sweeper.
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Arabs are also semites traditionally. A semite is anyone who descended from Shem in the bible. Shem had Abraham one of his descendants (I'm pretty sure Abraham was his 9th great grandson). Abraham had Ishmael as his first son and Isaac as his second son. The Arabs identify themselves as being descended from the sons of Ishmael whereas the Jews identify themselves as being descended from the sons of Isaac. Both of them are semites.


File: 1740719627636.png (356.85 KB, 419x419, file.png)

if you use that version (so do i) why would you think the 8 square is jewish you dumb nigger, it has gauranteed solubility so any 8 square instances are just extra left clicks at the end after you've flagged everything else


>Spains crying about da joos again for the 7th+ year
What you think all your shit whining gonna do? Germans whining for over 70 years and other nations 109 times globablly but surely this gonna be the one. Stay malding nigger


He's being paid by the FBI


>Degeneracy levels checks out
Maybe kgb bro on to something

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>Yaasss Grunwald slay those evil szwab małpas. Kurwa! My wife will stay SZLACHTA OWNED. Tak, to jest dobre… WE WUZ HUSSARS N SHIT!
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orin norwood strelok hairline

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Which meeperstone is the best for keeping away the aura of Aquarius?
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Didnt spaintard already do that




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>Which meeperstone is the best for keeping away the aura of Aquarius?
>Aura of aquarius is a good thing, why would u wanna keep it away?
>This is how I know you're a poser and not a true scholar like Autismo German


Where did you find this image of me, delete this


I gave it to him

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