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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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I should've been the one to fill her dark soul with light


dmc1 dante was a melanated king before getting whitewashed


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Actually the moral of DMC is that white boys are all feminine twinks and Melanated kings are thugs with demon powers and big fucking badass tentacles and shit. Notice how they get more powerful and darker when they embrace their demon (BBC king) half when they go devil trigger


Why has the sun become white over the last 15 years? The sun used to be very replenishing when it was orange. It has clearly lost many of it's beneficial properties. Are we under attack? Bill Gates and others have talked about interfering with the sun. Is this happening, or are there some other factors at play?


Frog twerking




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>balding niggas submissively presenting their heads fetish folder


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"Where's your motivation?"


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reply "beast" to pictures of youmu slightly more often


wish I was still a high schooler when 5 came out since I transhearted this series back then but as adult I played the new one and was like meh


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Bros maiden less


When I visualized my own flash animations in my own head as a kid I never thought to use a doomesque 3d space like this. I wish i couldve seen this earlier it wouldve changed my life


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I will destroy everything! I will create a monument to non-existence!

OH wait, wrong game never mind.


No arrow


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>No arrow
Oh no, I really gotta stop clowning around.


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Zamn that thumbnail really looks like African-americanpiece is doing a slam dunk with da moon desu


If you can dunk a moon you can dunk a basket ball.


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males will look at this and think "hell yeah"


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Howm I supposed to rizz my coworkers up if they keep getting delegated to the wrong department.
Fucking boss cockblocking.


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Well despite mainstream opinions it's always good to be quick and direct with these things. If you ask her out and she says no then its pretty much over. If you didn't muster up the courage to ask her out when you could, just take the L and move on to the next woman. It's not healthy to fixate on one girl. Don't worry pal we've all been there. I remember there was this cute black chick in college giving me strong IOIs and before I could even muster up courage to talk to her again she started flirting with a high tier normie latino. Remember women decide as soon as they see you whether or not they want to date or sleep with you and theyre extremely fickle. Theres only a small window of opportunity that comes up and once that window closes its shut forever. Your boss could also be trying to save you from embarrassment. Women know when creepy non NTs are stalking them and she couldve complained about it to HR. Are there any available girls who are your looksmatch? Maybe you should try asking them out? Alright thanks for calling. I'll dedicate the next track to our german firend. Diana Ross - Make a move. It's a classic. This is Han Solo keeping you company at the mid night shift.



So that's where the vaporwave song comes from


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>Do you remember Snake? The Feel of battle? The clashing of bone and sinew?
>Hurt me more!


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Who will mog?


lmao tier hair on the left


ah wait this nigga uses fake peak of cope scans, scale discarded


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koggy and byakuren


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reddit newfags: hahaha did his voice really break how funny
4chan oldchads: his voice breaking indicates the emotional turmoil he is in and adds to the power of the scene


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Bruuuuuuuh iramqi is out here simping for dante in real time





The english VA was intended for a japanese audience


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should i groom her to bbc?
got her tele


The website is really malebrained and I think a lot of vibrancy does not stick lol


But yes


No, she's too hostile.


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>I am The Fury! The flames of my rage will incinerate you! I came back form space. As I returned, I had one vision - the world set ablaze. And do you know what I saw there? Fury! A great and terrible fury at being alive. Now - you're going to feel the scorching of that terrible blackness!


Frup Friday


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>Frup Friday
Not a game quote (as far as I'm aware of anyway).


keyed image


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Could be kino if they just focus on the action and give it a budget the same care and creativity as dmcs cutscenes


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>“Read my lips - mercy is for wimps! There's a reason ‘oppose’ rhymes with ‘dispose’… If they get in your way, kill them!”


nadmc cоal


fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.

fuck every single one of you piece of fucking shit chasers. you're all fucking garbage manipulative weirdo losers. the only reason trans girls date you is because they have no self respect. its like you are intentionally looking for the most depressed suicidal women on the planet on the offchance they throw you a bone. how fucking pathetic is that.

you're all just futanari porn-obsessed fucking freak losers. not even the cool kind of freaks. literally bottom of the barrel need to be tied up and have acid poured onto your face. i wanna hear your blood curdling screams while your eyeballs melt into your skull.

everyday you wake up hoping a tgirl will fulfull your pornhub playlist fantasy of getting fucked in the ass. imagine looking at 5'7 trans girl wearing the most feminine clothes, holding her stuffies, and thinking "hmmmm yes, thats definitely a top right there. i for sure have a chance of her fucking me in my hairy toiletpaper shitstained male ass. another win for the chaser army !!!!!"

just wait till these trans girls youre chasing after hit the 4 year mark of hrt. they will realize you only see them as some fucked up sex doll sofreakingepic futanari porn fantasy. you're all so fucking delusional i don't understand why any other girl would stoop so low as to fuck you. you don't even deserve to look at us. you deserve to be put in a .onion redroom and have hot chicken grease poured onto your crotch. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE


No green arrow…


No green arrow…


The jews are trying to keep you from realizing that trans women can become pregnant. They are covering it up to genocide the white race.


> futanari porn-obsessed
Futa porn is Western Civilization's last defense against the hoard of Muslim Immigrants trying to Islamize the west.


real woman doesn't know what .onion is


Babe, wake the fuck up.
Wacky woohoo pizza man linked up with Limp Bizkit.


2000s white trash culture (my origin) reached its apex


This op is so kino. Wish it had an original track


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There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver into a well greased chamber


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I'm just fun posting, why you gotta bully me?



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