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[View News - 10/15/24]

PSA Blotter

10/15/24 Oh fuck, this website is one year old 🎉
10/05/24 'Archive This Thread' now works, archive.org also functional
09/13/24 'polite sage' Email option is now real
08/30/24 A new BFC theme has replaced 'Keyed Frog' in the Options menu
07/04/24 Dead threads prune fast; read about it!
06/10/24 .webp and .swf (with Ruffle) are here
06/05/24 Mobile rizz page... just got an apply button.
04/22/24 Updated embeds - New /j/ replacement
04/01/24 /bant/ no culture
01/10/24 Site upgrades and NSFW filter; click "Options" to test it out.
01/06/24 Triumph of the Whale (formatting)
12/23/23 Big Christmas Thing!
11/18/23 /j/ has been unlocked for site meta and to contain non-otaku shit
11/17/23 Removed all anti-spam. The hood has survived one month.
11/07/23 Upgraded rizz. Added recent. Fixed large file uploads breaking.
11/06/23 The hood has breached 1000
11/03/23 log is out. It's called ORIN. It's because 3 syllables is bad for mewing.
10/15/23 Flags? DONE. Visit >>>/rizz/
10/13/23 Holy FUARK. The circlejerk got LEAKED and there was an INVASION.
09/14/23 New playground invented: /bant/ - International/Random

(For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

[Orin] [Archive]

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Based yujiro
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Even doe it's 'ru kultur


musk is cancerian so hes sensitive af so we should let him know how hes depicted in manga to ruin his mood



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What are some other niche sites you visit? Normie social media is so boring and souless im sick of it
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semi-readable 3koma with wings perished


porn is sovlless


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bruh this shit website limits your generation shit bruuuh


okay but what if I want to self insert as guy WITHOUT pubes


this is funny

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>got diapered in my dream
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>تفسير الاحلام لابن سيرين
<تغيير حفاضة طفل متسخة في المنام دليل على النجاة من المتاعب والمشاكل، فمن رأى أنه يغير حفاضة طفل غير متسخة في المنام فإنه يسيء التدبير، أما رؤية رفض تغيير حفاضة الطفل المتسخة في المنام فتدل على عدم السعي في التغيير، والقرف من تغيير حفاضة الطفل المتسخة في الحلم يدل على التكبر والتعجرف، والله أجل وأعلم.


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<إن رؤية أو ارتداء حفاضات للكبار في المنام يرمز إلى اعتماد الحالم على أشخاص آخرين للقيام بعمله ومسائل حياته الشخصية والخاصة.
كما أن رؤية حفاضات للكبار في المنام هي تعبير عن الضعف. وهذه المعرفة لله تعالى.


that frued guy says you dreamed about it cuz u secretly want to be diapered or something


Weird dreams after booze. Was in school and killed a teacher for being rude. Also met Russian chicken and he was attending some sort of pottery workshops


I just had a dream about an inlaw being snarky so I keyed his car and left bananas on it

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Bantculture and kogasatopia community.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Yes me



I once wanted to talk with someone about our art, but I couldn't dm them anymore and so I gave up. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


I won



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Me sucking a daddy's cock because I want him to buy me skittles
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^Functional member of society and probably the least insanae bantoid here.


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why does this happen?
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whats going in the manosphere


After you deal with women you become more enlightened. You start to despise them. The more enlightened you are the more you want to suck dick because you realize that there is no such thing like seen and it would feel pretty funky to suckle a little bit on the tip of the penis of some guy or nuenis in this regard. Nue is alright because she's not really a woman. Not a human or even a youkai. Just a babygirl with a massive silencer for manchildren.


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>The more enlightened you are the more you want to suck dick


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The proof for my ridiculous point is ancient Greece and every nerd (futafaggot by definition)


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Or maybe you're just a homosexual?

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zundamon getting vaccinated !!!
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@swinny dox rape and kill him for disrespecting soyGODs o algo


Wait a minute…..


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On December 31. 2023 a soybooru user that goes by the name Rosa_Ushiiromiya_Fan uploaded a soyjak depicting an infamous booru user called Satoko_Houjou_fan as an obese shitskin that wears a Mexican flag.
After that the variant caught on and many edits were made, including this one by ToonSoy which is where the subvariant "mexiaryan" comes from, however the actual subvariant looks slighty diffrent from the one made by ToonSoy. The mexiaryan subvariant is mostly used to ironically depict non-white countries as muscular white men but sometimes it's used to depict white countries as white too. Now that we understand the origin of the variant we can finally explain the meaning of the warrior-z slopjak. Warrior-Z is an another infamous booru user that's mostly known for being muslim debating people about religion.
Warrior-Z is often refered to as a pajeet, commie, mudslime, shitskin, tranny and more. Although these terms are insults the Warrior-z chadjak embraces these terms and depicts him as a muscular stinky shitskin tranny pajeet commie.


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Chat im getting into Vtubers as of late, am i retarded?
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It's called being lonely and parasocial


>Korone gets scared by SOAP


If Korone weren't a huge Sonic fan you would be in trouble rn 💢💢💢


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Cringe, doe sometimes some kino sound bites come out of them.
>MP4 file related


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The United States of America. perhaps the shittest country to exist in all human history
bunch of literal sub-humans so biologically altered from normal humans through countless generations pump fed corn syrup and s o y, chemicals in their food, chemicals in their water, 5G radio waves rotting their brain, processed food, mac and cheese, fast food with s o y, fast food chemicals made from plastics, estrogen in their water supply, consumerist, materialist culture, <50% white, the perfect docile cattle, a giant ranch to breed retards to fight for Israel and enslave the world to literal fake money
ruled over by a deep state occult elite that abduct Americans children and literally no one cares and memory holes it, Hollywood, music industry, television, entertainment industries, soulless, corporatising, bland, soul crushing country, television and consumerism is their god, docile nigger cattle shitting and farting, clapping and gafawing when their homosexual military kill people in sovereign countries for the jews and resources while their jew fed reserve print money from thin air, constant, endless war, coca cola fuck America. perversions of the mind and universal evil, sickness and rot physically manifested into a country. Coca-Cola is the perfect example of America's shitness. A sickening chemical sludge concoction of nothing real and healthy, a chemical black ooze that should not exist yet it does and absolutely no one cares that this chemical liquid from hell exists and people willingly and voluntarily put it into their bodies.
Hope America gets raped and nuked
drowning in debt and misery with your stagnant wages, profiteering drug companies, third world backwards education systems, eroding infrastructure, diminishing middle class, widening income inequality, endless wars that only create terrorists and destroy the west, and worship of the rich and famous
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Kys Spanish swarthoid pedo


just realized we don't have a store like this
yeah there are pc component stores that have physical locations but when you go there it's only phones and laptops


Pooland really is a third world shithole


you can order everything online anyway what's the point in leaving your gooncave to look at graphic cards


order to PACZKOMATY INPOST using BLIK that is, no other country has such advanced technology

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one day, humanity will grow beyond borders, beyond economic boundaries, beyond conflict, beyond hate,
i believe.. in the DAWN OF ROMANCE!
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>I will drop a brick on your head.


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>Even doe violence and competition is the core essence of all life and only individuals can be saved from the endless cycle of Darwinian misery



mlp is not soy


hahahahaha facts

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When artificial wombs become availabe, I will breed georgedies like human cattle
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said limp-wristed catholic faggot


They forgot to ask the rusnya


That's odd, why wouldn't shartniggers consult with the smartest nation in the world? Probably it's because sharty sisters are not the sharpest tools in all of the altchansphere.


There are no soyjaks in the thread. Meds.

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>all i want to do after my wagecuck job is to go consoom
>I have 0 aspirations in life
>All i seek is pleasure and comfort
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>all i want to do after my wagecuck job is to go consoom
>I have 0 aspirations in life
>All i seek is pleasure and comfort


how about getting married and having children


Ywn have a futa wife


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this is a blackpill of insanae proportions for the Pole because of >>131381

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cafe is dead ever since the 'p raid
why do sharteens need to ruin everything? that was one of my favorite boards to lurk
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i dont look like that! i dont say that either!


i dont believe you


giving a fuck is chad
your rightful clay if you stand and defend it


neither do I


I don't look like this yet

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'ruBVLLS won
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Tell him if he kills himself he wont ever meet aqoothe on the trannytroonietroonhou phestt


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lo ngumyalezo osiya kwii admins ze soyjak.party kunye nenkcubeko ye bant kunye /bant/ 4chan ndizobe ndizibulala ngomso anizundinqanda ubomi bam buphelile ndigqibile and andinasizathu sokuqhubeka niphila nonke niphambanisa ubomi bam nibuchithile ubomi bomntu wonke/bant/ nimosha wonke umntu ngoku qhuba yonke into ngoku kwazi ubaleka emhlabeni kwaye akukho nto ikhoyo. ungayenza lonto ngelixesha indlebe zakho zinkenteza igazi liphuma kukhakhayi awuyonto kodwa ungumhlaza emhlabeni ulibhobhodlo lezilonda ezithe zagqabhuka eluntwini usisigulo awuyonto ngaphandle kwesifo usisifunxi kwaye ukuba andikwazi ukukunqanda akukho mntu ndakhe ndazaliswa lithemba elingaka kodwa ngoku ndiyazi ukuba senziwe ngenxa yesifo sakho somhlaza kwaye sisilonda sakho. abantu ndohlulakele/bant/ so ndizozibulala niqhubeke nendlela yenu yokonwaba as nihlala nisenza andikhathali kuba ndifile ngomso nisale kakuhle adios farewell sode adios farewell godspeed you cunts


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This is satire. This is satire. This person is not real.


Babe, your youhou cosplay came in


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>right wingers
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>they're all falseflags
mfw this whole bread is an excuse for autism madotsuki to rp with himself


Weab cope


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What's Viktor Orbán's childhood deep lore like?


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so if you support millionaires you get free touhou futa wives and if you criticize them you get >>126050
the choice is clear

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