>>130999>freedom can never centralize power. freedom will always enable a more intelligent person to undercut the competition or make a superior product. What are you talking about when you say freedom. Anarcho capitalism
>only regulation can create monopoliesThat wasnt real communism logic. Economic freedom will inevitably lead to large inequality because there can only be one "best" if that makes sense, and as that inequality becomes apparent wealth centralizes to a small group of people who use said wealth to fund politicians and influence elections to their favor. Ayn Rand style libertarianism is a pipe dream
>no, it doesn't. being low intelligence makes you less able to surviveThen why arent the somalis or hazdabe the smartest people on earth? It doesnt actually take that much intelligence to survive and reproduce no matter how shitty your conditions are
>this is easily observable as the flynn effect since foreverThe flynn effect happened because of things like universal education and the availability of high quality food. And since when has the average iq of the united states declined? Because as far as I know the opposite has been happening. If it is happening I would blame the floods of third world migrants more than welfare queens. Making people starving peasants will not make them more intelligent.