Program Requirements
Halacha 101 Fundamentals of Faith
Halacha 102 Expertise in Monotheism and Idolatry, Blasphemy, Animals and Murder.
Halacha 103 Expertise in marital Laws
Halacha 104 Expertise in Courts and Laws of Theft
Halacha 105 Expertise in Courts and Laws of Murder
Halacha 106 Expertise in Laws of Idolatry, Murder and Theft
Halacha 107 Expertise in Laws of Blasphemy, Theft, Food and Murder
Halacha 108 Expertise in Laws of Murder, Theft, Blasphemy and Food
Chassidut 201 The Gate of Unity and Faith
Chassidut 202 Mystical Knowledge of the Devine Unity
Rambam 301 Torah Sources, Time Manameeperent, Redemption and Festivals
History 501 The History of the Noahide Movement
Tanach 401 The Book of Genese
Tanach 401 The Book of Exodus
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