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Mahjong thread. This board unironically needs one.


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I wished i knew how to play




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Mahjong causes great damage to the human spirit.


Most mahjong is artificially inflated with pretty women for the "peepee hard" effect that makes incels spend money on 2ds and forget that only men and old ladies (over 40yo) play mahjong.


this artstyle always felt mildly infuriating to me for some reason #justautismthings


You feel mogged


you might be onto something because these male models who squint their eyes are also mildly infuriating to me


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Male models look friendly, unlike normalpsychos


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Wish the game got more traction on bbc desu, its very sovlful.
Just Tanyao in all cases desu, but also figuring the game out is also part of the fun. Ahh, this takes me back to my nyagger days (adeptchad here btw), when i opened my hand with no Yaku and kept losing and raging without realizing what the fuck did i even do wrong.
ACtually its very unboring, its one of the most excitement/rage inducing games in the world even better than nigger juice probably
>only men and old ladies (over 40yo) play mahjong.
So bbckvltvr target audience?
evencob its peak sovl…


actually i have been thinking about giving riichi another try for some time now so i'd join (probably, i promise) your majsoul lobby if you'd groom some two other people.
but i forgot everything, even rules and hands.


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Well we (probably) have OP as well


I'll play some mjs lobby games sure


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Im going to rope myself and this is all this stupid nigger games fault


But youre bad at every video game


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Bruh….so close yet so far….


I should probably stop playing sanma all the time. It's mega adhd brainrot.


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Never really played it, i imagine its pretty funny given how you get more tiles per person than in 4player mahjong desu


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It's about two times faster than 4 player, but a few yakus are harder to get because there's no chi, and most newbies go for half flush hands 80% of the time.


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Impressive suuankou, very nice. I kind of dislike how you can only complete it by tsumo desu, but thems the rules i guess…
>and most newbies go for half flush hands 80% of the time.
Low betamale energy, why go for half flush when you can just do chinitsu lol


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10 years ago I used to play mahjong on my computer.


There's always suuankou tanki ☝️🤓 💀


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Its never too late to come back to play it again after 10 years with your friends on das bbc kultur…


mahjong is for old grandmas


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Explain in 5 seconds or less why i dont have a mahjong playing old grandma gf then


Because you don't have saint in mjs.


they all died already


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(I will get there in a year or kill myself trying, luckily as we all know they also play mahjong in hell)
Evendoe asians live up to 120 years old or something


ummmm redtext fail but lets pretend we didnt see that :)


How would one go about making something as fleeting as an mjs lobby on bant? I do check the board more than frequently, but I don't do it every 10 minutes, so it might take days for people to add up.


I check it pretty often desu, could try to get my friend from without bbc kultur to join but its 50/50


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Massive robbery just happened, kamicha got a suuankou but i raped him with my shitty open hand tanyao 3 dora 2 aka dora rinshan kaihou, took first place just barely surpassing the guy by 300 points
Thats exactly the kind of moments i play mahjong for desu


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Kurosawa(1) got a better ending imo, although if they cut the last couple of chapters from Akagi's manga ending it on Akagi leaving it would be on par probably although thats just my opinion


Ngl I really REALLY don't like how Akagi was left open ended, though I feel like it also could be because the post-washizu volume didn't sell well enough (but the gamble in it was also dogshit). As in if it sold well fukumoto would've probably written more Akagi and made it a sort of a cat and mouse chaise story.


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Managed to pull off toitoi+honroutou, pretty funny stuff, my hand was like almost all terminals initially + 2 peis


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At least Ten ended on a better note desu, i guess you could kind of consider it an Akagi sequel in a way


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thumbnail looks like smt/persona level up screen


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Real demons were your friends all along


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>Real demons were your friends all along


goes hard


where's Keanu Reeves?


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One issue with mahjong could be that despite it being a trutaku game with meaningful choice and slightly less meaningful gambling, it may be too complex for the common normie to learn. So they go to either playing poker or slots, because they're inherently easier than mahjong, play quicker and have a lower entry barrier.


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Truly, you can always find games online at least but its not as fun if you dont get to shitpost with your friends about it….


I once played a match of mahjong with the korean trans femcel from bant, that game is very obviously rigged. The more you pay, the better the luck you get.


this shit is what i mean, I've noticed the longer you dont play the better your luck becomes when you do actually play. same ting with the microtransactions


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I play about 10 games everyday tho


Bro spends from an hour and a half to eight hours a day jonging.


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Ahhh yes…you just love that feeling of being on a winstreak…I can really feel the gods of fortune favouring me today


(still adeptchad btw(offscreen to the left is me going from 1st to 4th to 1st for like 8 games in a row))


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Its still going on, i dont think i scored lower than 2nd place in like 15 games now….Maybe its about time i graduate from the bronze room….


Bronze room is not that hard to graduate from 💀🥺


Mentally i mean, im kinda scared im going to get gigaraped if i start playing in silver desu. Oh well, i guess you gotta start somewhere.


Half the chvds in bronze don't even know what a yaku is.


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half the chvds in bronze don't even know what a baku is


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I guess it was true because my not-losing streak is still going on even in silver


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vvvghhhhh what could have been….unfortunately both other 9sous got discarded pretty early on


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Finally got to Adept 2
Those chink luckshitters in silver room are something else, but somehow im still getting points


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First game after ranking up and im getting some quite epic hands….


Bamboo path gambler ✊


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I was rolling for clown or the gloomy dork (hes literally me) but shota is okay too i guess


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I got them both tbh (and some kemonomimi guy idk). 🤓
Rolling during the event definitely helped though, the gacha rates are evil af in this game.


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The current event is actually quite nice to play. Asura + permanent 1 less tile needed to get to tenpai makes rounds really fast.
Though it's sometimes annoying to wait for the last two guys to go through the entire wall for their noten hands.


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still havent tried any events desu, too busy raping adeptchads or something


They're a good source of gacha tickets though.


bruh this chink has 20k games and hes still in adept somehow


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matched with him again LOL


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But fr if you're about to drop to novice from adept with this game count then you're either a smurf who wants to shit on players who don't even know what a yaku is or you have profound mental retardation and couldn't learn what a yaku is.


Adept 3 reached….Kekspert awaits


Played for 6 hours straight and now im down 200~ points


never expected to encounter someone who knows this band on bint


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Listening to this and playing niggerjong brings out the old suicidal side in me


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Got my first yakuman




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Mahjong bros (one guy on this board), this is huge.


Traggy thread?


Where can i get one?
Mommy mono?


whoops forgot my flags


I'm not big into japanese mythology. I don't know who mommymono is.



okay, this is epic


Kekspert soon
Went from 700/100 to double digits, maybe even single digit and now im back to 800 again, i can almost touch it


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Decided to cheat the system and rank up from bronze room match and nyagga who got down to 600 points came back to 20k and almost sent me straight to hell, still took 3rd place. Next game i decided to win fair and square in silver and dealt into baiman in the very first round, still took 1st place AND my new rank.


There you go


Still need to score…

Chankan, sankantsu, ryanpeikou and daburii though


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i have become Saki, destroyer of tiles


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Finally got the clussy (also its time for the centennial bump)



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Fuck my lucklet life…

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