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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Okay, real talk. This board is a never-ending roller coaster stuck on the path from being moderately shit to overwhelmingly shit, and frankly, I blame all the autistic anime posters for turning the place into a cancerous circlejerk, avatarfagging namefags, and salty reportfagging krauts who police the sub like watchdogs.

Because of you three groups, good posters like the Tunisian Ghibli poster are possibly gone for good. I don't mind a little shitposting here and there, but with your irrational childish behaviors and your lack of moderation, you're the only ones who are ruining the board for the current posters and future posters.

I'd tell you to sort your shit or fuck off, but who am I kidding, this entire site is a haven for menchildren and I know that you'll just double down on your cancerous behavior after you read this post.

I only wanted to share my mind on this subject, and now that I'm done doing so, I no longer give a damn


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this would be awesome if there were no diapers but anyways i agree i hate germans and autistic anime kiddies here's your reddit gold and updoot


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Filename is facts


bintboomer moment




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Do you even THINK you know the truth about Mexico's demographics, kid? Let me tell you, amigo, compadre, hermano to hermano; you don't know SHIT. You're on thin ice, boy, an*Mefag ice. Let me tell you about the demographics of Mexico; their white population is 10%. TEN FUCKING PERCENT, you hear me buddy? 20 MILLION huwite Mexicans out there and you still seem to think we're a nation full of brown gypsy-looking indio scum. Here's the truth though; WE AREN'T. Chicanos and Mexicans get so much flak for illegal immigration yet it's the SOUTH American SUDACAS that immigrate into the U.S. for gibs. In fact, less people are coming to the U.S. from Mexico now than ever before in recent years, and there's no end of the decrease in sight. But there is MILLIONS of BLACK, KARA BOGA AN*mEFAG, ARGENTINE SCUM pouring in every DAY and no one seems to bat an eye. Typical, the J*w has tricked the world and an entire """white""" nation that the Argentines are of Caucasoid origin. Pathetic. Mexicans are the one true Aryan master race, it is clear and all discovered by taking a visit to Mexico. The UV rays are so bright (white, basically) that they can blind outsiders, the Mexicans up north as so white that their skin penetrates the very soul of gringos, they are a great people, Mexicans and Chicanos (aka IBERIANS) alike. Learn the difference, /bant/, it can save your life.


Thank you god for making me an a10 shartygod and not a vantablack banttroon


didnt read but nuke novi-sad


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тише чурка


tldr: this site SUCKS


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>tldr: this site SUCKS
Very informative, thanks.


It's comfy though


With my recent arrival here the site will die out in a matter of months from things unrelated to my activity. (I can just do that)


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>I no longer give a damn
ESL FNF Nigger Pedo reference


vertically aligned carbon nanotube array black


new bbc synonym dropped

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