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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1728901750492.mp4 (265.93 KB, 360x640, 9gVSyHKB3dxVc0us.mp4)


new tranimal just dropped


what tranimal is this?



build the wall
kick out the illegals
kick out the jews


Shut the fuck up jew.


speak the fuck down muslim


Take your meds christcuck


crush a road
invite the officials
invite the goyim



someone needs to torture it, record it and upload it to BBCulture RIGHT NOW



File: 1728921920519.jpeg (37.98 KB, 678x452, images (2).jpeg)

Holy cray


nigga can't decide what animal it wants to be


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>Hyraxes live in small family groups, with a single male that aggressively defends the territory from rivals. Where living space is abundant, the male may have sole access to multiple groups of females, each with its own range. The remaining males live solitary lives, often on the periphery of areas controlled by larger males, and mate only with younger females.[16]


they're just like humans


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wow what a fucking example, It's like when the commies put ants as an example of perfect society humans should aspire to, yeah we should put castrated females to work on the mines 24/7 or collecting fucking flower powder snd turn it into honey or something

European rabbits turn into monogamous species when there's little resources, also Gerbils and 40% of bird species are monogamous, noooooo we need to put humans on the chimp/gorilla selection behaviour where there's an alpha male with a harem….but why can't we look at bonobos too? bonobos are matriarchal and they fuck each other in the ass all day, babies with adults and also gay sex, there are alpha females but not males.

Sex behaviour and selection is specie-specific and humans are monogamous and tribal, there are no alpha males or queens or some shit, we don't hunt in packs and we don't swing from branch to branch of different trees trying to avoid crocodiles.

Pic related, the only eusocial mammal with queens and shiet, a skinny bald type of guinea pig.


it drops 2 pieces of raw meat


>Bro just starve society to women
Does that mean under commiesm I get gov mandated skele gf?


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you're so right, grandpa. let's go take your pills now, okay?


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>being brown le bad!


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spikerat is smelling spikerat


Stars don't twinkle // The moon doesn't shine


marocco have u seen bridge to terabithia


Annasophia robb was a real cutie in that film


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This picture reminds me of when german troon explained that he is handsome due to the space between his eyes being a certain distance


draw more please



this is called hypertelorism (do incels use that term?)


no one has fetal alcohol syndrome here though


i miss the good old times when i was setting hedghehogs on fire as a kid


Thank god you were actually lighting tenrecs on fire


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>i miss the good old times when i was setting hedghehogs on fire as a kid


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I don't like the look he's giving me 😨😨




She wet the bed lol.


Nigger penguin.


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This is crazy

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