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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1731639644959.gif (7.97 MB, 286x360, catbird.gif)


>Go onto any altchan
>Just have to scroll down for 2 seconds to find loli porn
Why does this happen?


Imageboards are japanese


that's called "getting filtered"
maybe you don't belong there


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Pedoforks are actually destroying imageboard culture because they drive off both fresh blood and cultured gentlemen, resulting in imageboards that don't behead lolikikes slowly devolving into disgusting goon dens


and that's a good thing


Because the user interface for the average chan board is so shitty that it dosen't even allow you to find loli porn in less than 2 seconds.


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Oy vey


and that's a bad thing


bint needs to be more of a goon den


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Loli culture is pure, esoteric, trad. But it could also be evil, normalfag, goonslop. It all depends what the context is, but unfortunately modern loliniggers are transcoal or asian.


Peperetards are the stupidest channers: >>110541


Frogfags are more acceptable than soyclitties because pepe is classic internet culture basically but between them and twitch I'm worried pepe is going to die out and become a certified normie meme


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>Frogfags are more acceptable than soyclitties
both are the same fed assets made to disrupt alt-sites


altchans: you can say and do anything you want!
also altchans: mostly men
why do you think?


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>Why does this happen?
It doesn't


it already is


because loli is trvchan culture


no way this video is real



File: 1731937247910.gif (3.04 MB, 373x278, dog-fish.gif)

Wait until you see this


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