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>seed oils


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ive seen people in mainstream fitness yt talking about seed oils
I thought being afraid of seed oils was ray peat nonsense or "it's not le natural" like how people are scared of corn oil as if it's giving you cancer

can someone give me the skinny on what's actually wrong with seed oils?


deep fried food tastes good


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If I answer your question it will depend on how well you know chemistry


Can you just give me the shrimple version


Ok I typed that because I was on my phone and that made me lazy but I do want to write my thoughts (previous pic related) even if you think I'm a crazy Peater or whatever

A fatty acid is essentially a carboxyl group (O-C-OH) bound to a hydrocarbon tail, that tail is "saturated" when every carbon in the tail is bonded to as many hydrogens as it can fit, and "unsaturated" fats have carbons that could bind to another substance. The fewer hydrogens that are bonded to the tail, the more "unsaturated" they are. A fat missing one hydrogen bond is "monounsaturated" and if there are two or more that are missing then the molecule is "polyunsaturated" (PUFA stands for "polyunsaturated fatty acid").

The reason that the polyunsaturated fats are bad for consumption is because the spots where the hydrogen is missing gives them a propensity to react with other substances in the body such as proteins, denaturing them and thus placing a chemical stress on the body's integrity. These reactions occur well below human body temperature, and the effect is so pronounced that the body will refuse to burn them for energy and prioritize burning saturated fats instead (since PUFA can damage the mitochondria), so an increased presence of the polyunsaturated fats actually lower the metabolic rate.

Seed oils (and fish oils too, but no one talks about them) are composed significantly of the polyunsaturated fats and they are bad basically for the reasons I've stated, but most people who are against seed oils don't really understand this kind of chemistry, only citing that they are "processed" or "unnatural" (lame handwaves for health influencers that don't understand what they preach)


Tl:dr is basically that they are highly reactive at human body temperature and can bind to and destroy other molecules. It's basically for the same reason that linseed oil is used as a paint but coconut oil isn't


so seed oil good


why does the carbon in COOH have 5 bonds
why does the oxygen have 3
why are there carbons with 3, monounsaturated should have 2 carbons without hydrogen so there can be a double bond


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like this


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This is why I need to draw my own chemicals instead of looking up images on the internet


>polyunsaturated fats are bad for consumption is because the spots where the hydrogen is missing gives them a propensity to react with other substances in the body such as proteins
citations needed


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>kirkland signature organic virgin coconut oil


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>citations needed


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citations needed



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Lipid peroxidation is a consequence of necrosis you goof, and It's due to interaction between ROS produced internally by the mytochondria, NOS or XO and externally by T-CD8, It's always a response to damage or infection.
[reddit spacing]
It has nothing to do with eating seed oils though.
[reddit spacing]
Cell membrane needs polyunsaturated fats to maintain viscosity. Also you need 2 essential fatty acids which both of them are polyunsaturated.


How much is crisco paying you?


>Lipid peroxidayio has nothing to do with eating seed oils
Then why does linseed oil chemically dry when I use it to paint pretty pictures of touhou girls, and coconut oil and beef tallow doesn't?
>you need 2 essential fatty acids which both of them are polyunsaturated
The study that is used to justify this (George and Mildred Burr) was made in 1929 before B-vitamins were well known, it was later found that "essential fatty acid deficiency" was actually just a b6 deficiency caused by the fact that a lack of PUFA increases the metabolic rate


*snip snip*


First thing I said was kind of throwaway but the serious point is that lipid peroxidation reactions are not possible with saturated fat, the only involve unsaturated ones so it necessarily involves PUFA/"seed oils" even if you believe that they're essential or whatever.


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>The study that is used to justify this (George and Mildred Burr) was made in 1929 before B-vitamins were well known
LA is converted to Arachidonic acid which is the only precursor of prostaglandins, prostaciclins and thromboxans through COX enzymes. Without those you will have a lot of problems, like having ulcers in the stomach.
pic related: typical COX inhibitor intaker


I thought i knew which transkween it was but then i looked at onlyfans link and turns out i didnt :(


Linoleic acid is pretty much impossible to avoid if you don't eat a fat free diet so even if you never eat sneed oils and replace them all with beef tallow or butter then you'd still have enough of it to produce all of the eicosanoids your body would ever need




It's also apparently observed that under total PUFA depletion that the body will produce a completely different class of eicosanoids based on Mead acid (Oleic derivative) instead of arachidonic acid, there's basically no research on this stuff though because no one cares enough about omega-9 eicosanoids


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Why do you have to be homophobic AND transphobic


Im not I'm racist


>Mead acid (Oleic derivative)
synthesis is de-novo and from glycerol, ketone bodies, alanine…





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Foxcels this is your mindset


>dick entrance





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