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When will we destroy this evil planet?


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For once korbussy was right


saturn le bad evendoe he holds the knowledge of no-self


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fuck saturn he fucked me up today


jokes please dont take personally


saturn has fucked me up my entire life because blud decided to be square my natal sun


Saturn is the Jew planet tho


>astrology isn't real… but saturn is just evil for no particular reason.
>and my four saturn oppositions have NOTHING to do with me saying that


Theres a reason the sabbath is when it is bro, and the lords day is sunday because as goatis the great said christians worship the sun. (the sun is shaped like a cross)


that reminds me of the GDR radio tower that they created to be larger than the largest Church in berlin only for the crystal ball on the top of it to have a cross-shaped reflection when the sun shines on it
Sunday is the first day of creation, and Jesus rose in the new creation on a sunday too. Christianity is in a sense the dethronement of Saturn by the Sun, whereas the Hellenistic Religion has Jupiter in that spot instead.


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Completely unsubtle and very obvious Cult of Mars thread.


whats wrong with saturn


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saturn is a very negative planet


i think youre just projecting


German cis God is actually very evil for wanting to kill a giant space ball.


well no, the stars are projecting


thats what im saying
no YOU are projecting your bad vibes onto giant balls that are over 900 millions miles away


saturn is the dimmest planet visible in the night sky, moves slowly and predictably, is unimpressive to view, has no heat or fire. it is dark, unable to reflect or generate much luminosity. the absence of light further defines it as heavy, inclined to fall or weigh down. It is the lord of winter, the enemy of the Sun, the symbol for the authoritarian father or the unswerving law caster who cares less about the spirit of personal morality than obedience to structures that serve a collective purpose. Saturn calls for loss, denial and sacrifice wherever our immediate ego-driven interests conflict with wider needs or our own future evolution. As the 'Grim Reaper' Saturn appears only to be concerned with bringing denial to our hopes and expectations, but as 'Father Time' we understand the purpose is to order the individual to be subservient to their society and their own spiritual destiny; to recognize that their life at any given time is only a small part of a much wider scheme; to safeguard the continuation of existence and ensure that subsequent generations will thrive and prosper. Saturn is often linked with history, traditions and the past, but it is every bit as concerned about the future. Everything that arises from its influence carries the aim of creating firmer foundations for future potential.


youre more full of hot air than saturn is desu


>saturn is the dimmest planet visible in the night sky
That's Neptune.
>moves slowly and predictably
Every planet has predictable movement, it's called having a stable orbit.
>is unimpressive to view
Widely regarded as the most beautiful planet.
>has no heat or fire
Every gas giant has inside heat.
>unable to reflect
Saturn has higher Albedo than Earth and most planets.
>or generate much luminosity
That's called not being a star.
>the absence of light further defines it as heavy
No correlation, also incorrect, absorption of light as energy would increase the mass.
>inclined to fall or weigh down
Saturn's low density would make it float in a body of water.

The rest is boring fanfiction.



Heh balls


>THA SATVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVRN is the reason why I bumped my toe this morning


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You can't see any planet past saturn with the naked eye
>Every planet has predictable movement, it's called having a stable orbit.
yeah thanks to years of advanced observation of the night sky
>Widely regarded as the most beautiful planet.
the entire post is about how saturn looks with the naked eye and not the telescope



>>>is unimpressive to view

>>Widely regarded as the most beautiful planet.
>the entire post is about how saturn looks with the naked eye and not the telescope

Both sides are schizo what the fuck. (also ALL celestial bodies look like fucking bright* dots with the naked eye idfk what meds you're on)
*Of variable brightness


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all misbehavers will be KILLED, Saturn willing


if you look at jupiter in the night sky or the evening star right now and feel nothing you must have some low as fuck vibrations


saturn is essential sorry


I need to find jupiter in the night sky ASAP


It's in the eastern sky in the taurus constellation right now. If you can find ursa minor it is the brightest object it is pointing at.


>You can't see any planet past saturn with the naked eye
No, Uranus' apparent magnitude is still within the naked eye range.
>yeah thanks to years of advanced observation of the night sky
So? That still doesn't make it any different from literally every nearly every celestial object in orbit.
>the entire post is about how saturn looks with the naked eye and not the telescope
That would be moving the goalpost, since none of the descriptions given except for minor differences in luminosity really make sense when talking about things visible to the naked eye. From our perspective, every planet just looks like a bright dot, so they'd all seem the same.



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I finally understood what Mars in Pisces means. You really just want to make people think. To expand their imaginations. You are a spiritual, imaginative warror


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Martian chembo


mars is hella gay


you cant spell marisa without mars
just a fun fact


I just noticed if i clicked on the image theres a dot, is that titan?


mars is literally the straight white male of the planets


mars is a literally a rock in space with nothing on it because its GAY


Mars is literally a chocolate bar


Yeah but Ferrero mogs


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>straight white male


The black sun literally stands for Saturn.


Say it's a larp and you're not actually this retarded and sissified into believing this bullshit for foids
>B-but muh ancient christkikes and hitler and j-jesus al-lmighty b-believe that!!!!
Yeah ok


Indeed, the movement of the planets in the solar system through the ecliptic reflects the state of your soul just as the atoms in your body reflect the state of your body. The planets are so-to-say the inverse of atoms, and their arranmeeperents are so-to-say macroscopic molecules. There is nothing that exists in the universe that is meaningless. The planets are not just balls of gas and barren rocks that reflect sunlight. As geocentrism holds true, we have to contemplate the true purpose of the planets as that what they are: The filters of creation.

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