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should I buy a steam deck


omg its just like the hecking nintendo switch


it has good games on it though


No. Supplement your finances and acquire new top graphics card to play old games


depends, its steam os native so your pool of game can be limited, of course its always growing, you can install windows on it tho which i assume everyone on bantculture is high iq enough to know how to do
and of course do you really benefit from the portability is a question you should ask yourself


where's the hot glue?


holding her paper tabs together


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>depends, its steam os native so your pool of game can be limited
So we won't be able to play a few Ubislop and EA games because of their anti cheat implementations? I can live with that honestly.

It's arguably better in terms of ergonomics, the weight is a bit of a down side though granted given the Legion go exists now it's slim compared to that big chonker.

>should I buy a steam deck
Do you ever find yourself wishing you could play games on your couch instead of having to drag your ass to your desk? Do you ever wish you had a gaming PC with joysticks while staying at a hotel? Are you willing to deal with the drawbacks of having to charge it all the time?
If you've answered at least 2/3 of those questions then sure why not?


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I want you to donate me 1000bucks but I want to remain anonymous. How can this be accomplished? Crypto? Fake pyypl like bank account?


last one has an esl torpedo


>admin pov


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I boughted.


trutaku ngl

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