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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Short scale libtard: Dude, if Trump takes over, and he builds his wall, America is going to have a debt of quintillion! That's a million million million!
Long scale gangster: So a million million million, huh? In other words: A tri-million. A trillion.
Short scale libtard commits suicide from shame of using such a retarded system invented by some retarded french mathematician breaking things trying to fix em


Literally nobody on earth without crippling autism cares about long scale vs short scale.


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true, short scale is a bit stupid


so people with crippling non-autism are the reason why we have this retardation


I use scientific notation cause I fucking love science


does the debt even matter at this point anymore, we are definitely not going to be able to pay it back and its just taxation for investors with extra steps


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How to save the west EP1463: Be these parents


Also, that was me refreshing the front page of that subreddit 24/7 to find this meeper


This image does not contain touhou pubes and as a result it sucks


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Fetuses arnt conscious entities


File: 1735948371035.png (692.19 KB, 1076x786, 9133a021cba63b24e0b934fa37….png)

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