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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Anyone else jerked off at school or work?


no thats gross


I've done it numerous times when I was in high school in the bathroom. I had to wear headphones because the sound of the person is the next stall grunting and taking a shit would make me lose my boner


did you ever get close to being caught



Was much better than sitting in class learning about volumes of revolution or whatever


Yes, its epic


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I couldn't even take a shit at school or at work, imagine jerking off. Also it would be really weird to work while having post nut clarity.


Are Brazilian bathrooms that bad?


No, I'm just saying that I couldn't jerk off or shit outside of my house, it has nothing to do with the state of the bathrooms you fucking retard.


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yea (home office)



There's not much space for pelvic thrust in public shitters and you have to keep your voice down, so it is an inherently inferior experience


>yo, someone's taking a shit here!



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Did once at s'chule




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Me being caught masturbating at school and being punished to have this kind of sissigasm


you havent lived until you busted a nut in the middle of the woods


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a library


it was probably something awesome

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