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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
(For file deletion.)

RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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يا عراقيمي، فيكِ الحسن يزهرُ
ومن عينيكِ نور الفجر يُسطرُ
كأنكِ للشمس وجهٌ مبتسمٌ
وفي حديثكِ موسيقى تُؤثرُ

رأيتُ فيكِ حلم العمر مكتملًا
وحبًّا في فؤادي لا يُفسَّرُ
أراكِ أمًّا لطفلٍ يشبهكِ
وجهٌ بضيائكِ، قلبٌ ينوَّرُ

أريدكِ شريكةً في العمر، دائمًا
رفيقة دربي، قلبًا يُدبِّرُ
وفي عينيكِ، أرى بيتي وأهلي
وأحلامًا معكِ لا تتبعثرُ

عراقيمي، حبكِ أكبرُ أمنياتي
وزواجكِ لي، حلمٌ لا يُؤجلُ
فكوني معي، وامنحيني من روحكِ
أسرةً، بالحبِّ تكبرُ وتُثمرُ


what is your jupiter sign


Faggot above me



happy new year


pregnancy should be on your new year resolution


too true





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>you can't get trans girl pregnant
blight of mankind


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he is also singing about iramqi's sweet cheeks. She has an international reputation


Ah, what’s more important for you, music or love?
For me, it's music, of course. You understand? Love is something you still have to search for, but music is always with you.
For me, love comes first. I'm a man, and for men, love is always in the first place.

In my dreams and sweetest dreams, I'm searching for a vagina, in sweet fats.
My ideal is 228 on the scales. I would virtuously drift on her waves.
I'm ready to fall asleep in her big arms. I want to look at the hamburger in her cheeks.
We will dilute mayonnaise with Coca-Cola. I want her breasts to reach the floor.
She’s like Lenya Voronin, but just more feminine. Her donut is like an abyss, yet her face is virgin.
Oozing with fat, long dotted with pimples, but I won’t give her up to anyone, I promise.
Her back is graceful and all furry. We will eat together after six.
I can't live without her warmth any longer. Bring me a knife. I will gut my own member.

My heart beats in unison with yours. This world and McDonald's are only for the two of us.
I can't take my eyes off you, just like my butt can't be torn away from the toilet.
My heart beats in unison with yours. This world and McDonald's are only for the two of us.
I can't take my eyes off you, just like my butt can't be torn away from the toilet.



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what does this have to do with the thread


put an engameeperent ring on it


die arab sandbugger

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