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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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you should kill yourself if you think billionaires are allowed to exist


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I shouldn't then, tovarisch


Arnt you a Saudi oil baron


uh come up with a working economic system to be employed non-globally without them smart-ass bet you can't


Just kill everyone over the age of 35 living as nothing but farmers. Any educated person also gets the rope


look, if theres anything that pisses me off, its the ignorant that claims to be knowledgeable, with all respect, but your statement contradicts itself, global market is enhanced by the billionaire class, national market by other different factors, i did not reply first because i did not want to waste my time, but the other sheep said something about education, and genociding adults, look pal, if theres a system that encourages ignorance, and promotes decreased lifrspans, it is that of yours, how and why? that would require knwoing what the govt would arrest you for if you said it out loud 💚


What about trillionares


i was referencing how pol pot did exactly what i was describing where he would end just killing people even if they wore glasses and decreasing the lifespan down to 18


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kill the rich o algo
the Neolithic Revolution was a joke


>kill the rich o algo
*in Minecraft


people in important leadership positions should earn minimum wage because I'm a jelly little georgenik or something


if your sun sign isn't ruled by saturn
shut up


ill get them after i finish you


binters never die
you should know that living fossil poster


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facts unironically


you mean milliarders

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