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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1735940003431.png (39.59 KB, 650x1050, 12912 - alternate_headwear….png)


First day of skipping work starts today


original gangster


File: 1735995301440.jpg (178.53 KB, 847x1200, 42311.jpg)

i skipped work once because i got wick last week and combined with having holidays off im a broke nigga right now


15, dollars an hour at mcdicks sucks


You need Andrew Tate's Hustlers University


File: 1735998852698.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 81.49 KB, 540x900, A_CvYU0CcAALs7S.jpeg)

How dare this antisemite to escape da farm


>you thought it was April Fool?
>too bad! it was for real!


File: 1738925417741.webp (49.41 KB, 474x974, 17387568234621.webp)

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