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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1736134242902.png (681.73 KB, 994x1065, __hifumi_and_hifumi_blue_a….png)


We are not a drop in the ocean, we are an ocean in a drop.




shut up libra


thats not even right nerd


but the spreadsheet says
Aries: Anzumark, Moldova's cat, Ukrohololiveshitter, bulgogi
Taurus: Yuuka Pole, /bant/, Emo Romania
meeperini: Aryan Chad, Dylan, Belacuckold
Cancer: Iraqi, Ongezellig Shitalian, Korbitch, bigu, kuz, Georgia
Leo: Akaribrapsniffer (probably), bitdomo, stove
Virgo: BBC.com, Eskimo
Libra: Normie, Nube, Spic formerly known as Ade, Koischizo (probably), 4chan
Scorpio: Madokanon, Moldova
Sagittarius: Memeboy, Dr. Medic, Touhou Porn Guy
Capricorn: Rusalka Pole
Aquarius: German Cismale, turkish touhou poster that lives in germany, Russian Kutaka, Mycroft
Pisces: Maggy


File: 1736134861022.jpg (196.65 KB, 2048x1399, 46645645465.JPG)

your spreadsheet is inaccurate


I think your birth certificate is.


File: 1736135085616.png (212.92 KB, 327x616, 1585280495159.png)

its not


the bant archive revealed your real birthday to me.


File: 1736135447353.jpg (73.95 KB, 675x533, 1555822188314.jpg)

are you sure youre not having a schizo moment and confusing me with someone else


You are Ade


You are Ade


File: 1736145293511.png (195.9 KB, 720x514, 12898 - gasp kanmarisa kir….png)


File: 1736145986414.webp (14.19 KB, 500x500, D_NQ_NP_728618-MLC7997424….webp)

I won't let you use sissy hypno on my frens


that's exactly what libra would say


can you provide a spreadsheet on why that is so


Cancers must be really dramatic according to this spreadsheet


we capricorns and pisces are slavic uberhumans or something


and Capricorns and Pisces must be chill

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