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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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>America doesn't want anymore migrants
>Canada doesn't want anymore migrants
>UK and EU doesnt want anymore migrants
This is unacceptable, globalism needs to prevail


no more migrants send them back


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But think of the economy, what are you a commie?


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honestly doe who in their right mind would want to let in large numbers of foreign people with distinctly different self-identification and speech, plus appearance
it'd be either you or them, especially for men, show weakness, then get humiliated and eventually DESTROYED


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BILLIONS of your enemies of course


finally we discovered what switzerland discovered decades ago


I hope you get more jeets


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I hope


migrants bad even doe dey lolipilled


Dem immigrants take our loliz n shit


i hope you get more iraqis because you seem frottable


America will have more immigrants because they prevent their own population from becoming hivhly skilled by limiting education, but at the same time teach them entitlement so that they refuse to work low-paying jobs.
Amerisharts will goon over das kapital or something while based spics, pajeets, and chink will rack that cash.


I wish they imported half of africa's population (only male) to poland


I need iramqi to stay in my basement




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>Poles 10 years later


whiter than you muhammad


I look like this


You will never look as good as a bleached igga

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