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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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>elon on top
>kissy face
what's not to like


elon musk is a fur friend dont sexualize him o algo


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men should be able to give birth, women aren't very good at it, they don't like doing it and they've basically ceased the means of reproduction entirely for the last few decades

in short, women can't be trusted to do their only job they were made to do so they should just go while men save humanity for the glory of God


The world would be a better place if mpreg was real


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<can we all agree that if men giving birth was possible, Acoot would be on his 17th pregnancy.






Just wait for the state run birthing pods so every lil goyim will be raised by the government.
Also you sound like the spainard


(sick canadian pedo)


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>Giving birth is a man's job, boy.



I read a fic where the author shoehorned ftm engineer pregnancy in and I stopped reading it.


Elon is a repper and he passed the tranny gene onto (her) trans daughter


When are YOU getting pregnant and giving birth, bantsister?


if certain men were able to give birth then they would just become the women


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autist = rapper


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true i was hammered and i didn't really think about it much
but on that note i want to bitch about something else
transgenders are really unattractive because they always emulate the kinds of behaviors that make me dislike women, so what is the fucking point. the really attractive ones are the worst with it too, so the endgame of transgenders is simply a woman that can't get pregnant, which is a direct downgrade to women at the end of the day


I think they're far worse than actual women cause womenhood was something they have to earn. Real women start to understand their privilege and become less bitchy when it stops being fun for them but I don't think that happens to trans.


mpreg is beautiful


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tfw got mpreggers from a BFC


I read it for the sniper tf2 non-con mpreg, not for the pooner tf2 engineer. 🙄


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In order for the United States to win against China, Elon Musk must import at least 20% of India so that we can develop Grok AGI who will then be able to figure out how transwomen can birth children so that his daughter Vivian Jenna Wilson can give birth to my sons.

This is ordained to happen. Afterwards, the pajeets will be deported using sophisticated methods that Grok AGI, my midwife will have developed secretly without a single pajeet knowing.

My DNA mixed with Vivian's DNA will result in the super conscious light children needed in the fight for humanity against the dark ancient aliens that live underground on planet Mars.

FYI: Chinese people are descended from the ancient aliens that live underground on planet Mars. Soon to be renamed to planet Vivtopia after our guaranteed victory.


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USA is too big to fail, it's virtually indestructible (from outside). YouTube essay wouldn't lie…


I don't think ac actually knows what agi is. 💀


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dumb poorfag is getting jealous or brainwashed retard is #fightingforfreedom


He's got that slightly neanderthalic look and should probably get a buzz cut but he's doing good work


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the owner is in there, oblivious whilst talking on the cell phone



didn't notice


cute yamima spider wider


Neanderthaloids didn't extinct because they mixed themselves with homo pidorasus and so they novioped into being something completely different


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