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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1736697970705.jpg (216.35 KB, 850x850, Okunoda.Miyoi.full.3064035….jpg)


Гомосексуальность была официально разрешена до Николая I и неофициально разрешена до Сталина. Ты же не ссаный коммунист? Давай вернемся к традициям.


nie zrozumialem


Ебаный в рот, ВПН выключить забыла.


Homoseksualność była oficjalnie разрешена za Mikołaja I i nieoficjalnie разрешена za Stalina. Ty же nie ссаный komunista? Dawaj вернемся do tradycji.


> code switching


bint meetup in geidontei


File: 1736701352633.png (20.94 KB, 800x520, enoko vomit puke.png)



На /марлевая повязка/ мы все девочки


File: 1736701456053.mp4 (376.77 KB, 324x324, 16926166242740.mp4)

>Гомосексуальность была официально разрешена до Николая I и неофициально разрешена до Сталина. Ты же не ссаный коммунист? Давай вернемся к традициям.


yeah this


File: 1736701826452.mp4 (433.44 KB, 640x360, suchki.mp4)


Best dog


File: 1736702178513.png (1.53 MB, 1024x1024, ComfyUI_01364_.png)

I am gay for women


File: 1736702337065.jpg (270.68 KB, 1500x1125, sleeping_lying_on_front_sc….jpg)



File: 1736724990273.jpg (808.24 KB, 2000x2000, 17217530279681.jpg)

A cute transgirl? On MY imageboard? Its more likely than you think


Stop being a faggot


It's impossible for him unfortunately




<Homosexuality was officially allowed before Nicholas I and unofficially allowed before Stalin. You're not a pissing communist, are you? Let's get back to tradition.


File: 1736782463720.png (Spoiler Image, 775.52 KB, 1114x587, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 1….png)

Lenin tried to normalize promiscuity and legalized faggotry. Stalin, pale blonde A10 gigachad, put an end to this.


> Stalin, a barely conscious subhuman churka, put an end to this.


how come you hate homochads but love futanaris


hes what they call a "poser", "larper" or "not about that life"



Wrong implication
You forgot your pepe


futanris are women, it wouldnt be gay to suck their futa-cock.


File: 1736863746838-0.jpeg (135.45 KB, 673x1200, GhPM1SyaYAE_UUL.jpeg)

File: 1736863746838-1.jpeg (144.63 KB, 736x736, GhLO9vFagAEluM6.jpeg)


If the fvta has balls and no pussy, she's a transgender woman (a man at heart).



I was mainly talking about cock and balls futanris who have a pussy at the end of their balls. But your whole argument is flawed because trans women are real women at heart


Fucking a trans is still gay.
Because you knew they were the same sex as you at one point, and male dick activities is homosexual no matter how big the futa's boobs are, and for it is also gay/lgbt to willingly fuck any transgender under any circumstances.
(Unless you got catfished and didn't know they were trans)


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>futanris are women, it wouldnt be gay to suck their futa-cock.


File: 1736874876870.gif (1.88 MB, 498x420, pride.gif)

congrats on coming out



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Do the факт


File: 1736876296619.png (1.37 MB, 1024x1024, file.png)


Get a model that takes more than two minutes to render


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>Slopping takorin


File: 1736905427518.jpg (417.3 KB, 1995x2310, 1701747770580787.jpg)

futanris are men, it wouldnt be gay to suck a transgirls cock though.


real schoppy

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