this game is dog poopoo
>>123595I think Im gay now

>>123598for you, i've always been ;)
>>123600it was vagina with eyes
>>123598btw, why dont u give me a chance to explain myself
>>123603my recent behavioral changes
>>123605you see, during my early days I was an extremist george, I was angry, unfulfilled and sad and I used extremism to cope with my situation. Whenever we used to talk and you would type some gay shit, I would sperg out at you, but something was stirring up inside me.. One time you said some gay shit, I got mad but then I felt something.. My dick was half hard..This was a troubling reality to me because I didnt want to be a faggot, but now I sort of accepted that I might be bisexual and I am more open with my sexuality. Ever since I had this realization I've become happier and since you are the first man to make my dick hard, I started to direct my sexual energy towards you, this explains the multiple sexual comments I made, the jokes, the poetry and so on. I hope you understand, sorry If I creeped you out.

>>123608the reason why the tribe became like this is certain foreign tribe
>>123613it's the other way around
>>123611LMAO, SIKE NIGGA. you're really thought I was gay? Nigga, yo hairy brown ass aint making no one gay. Talkin bout some 'omen was worried'. fuck you nigga and fuck that witch, both of you are going to hell. If we ever meet irl, I'd beat you half dead, Your threads will always be my shitposting toilet, Until I get bored or I die.

>>123618>Antigeorge>Schopenhauer Wait till you hear his opinion on women
>>123627Stay out of the women's bathrooms trannoid
>>123648You cry and moan about girls, not being able to be zesty in public and you despise religion because it limits you from reaching your full potential as a zesty man, you are what you hate. You adopt socialism an inheritly western ideology. Lastly, you are insolent and speak about people better than you, If I was truly gay, I would cost my dick with pointy glass and sodomize you, home boi (no homo tho)

>>123654dude what
being zesty in public? well yeah its cool to wear stuff you want, also socialism as a philosophy is much older than the west, and is that even an argument? whats the akternative? i mean economically? its not a rehionak thing dawg
and yeah abrahamatic religions suck, this inclide chritcuck countries!
anyways you can have whatever view you want about anyone, this wont change anything, al yoire doing is rejection and rejections, and staying in thr cvoid, confused and sad, you have always been confused and sad.
you yourself stated that you dont want to live in your og cunt, and migrate somewhere else, idk, why are you so egoistic? and angry? like, chill dude, you aarent right all the time and thats okay, youre human, im human, i make mistakes too, we all do.
but its your choice in the end.
>>123658no chvd in sight dough
>>123656The stuff you want to wear is victorian style dresses like Beatrice from the series when they Cry, and socialism sjnt older than the west, that's the problem faggots.
>>123656Only western trannies and indians say abarahamkc religions are bad

>>123664no, i prefer this one to wear, and i agreed with some people for a meetup and get higurashi cosplay party and ill wear as hanyuu, is that western too?
and socialism not as a system, rather as an idea is much older, , it was studied by the west heavily in the last two centuries thats all, its like attacking you for wearing things for work that depict westetn cullture lol, it makes no sense.
also borders are a meme, idk why you think im offended by depicting any culture, i love japanese literature, iraqi cuisine, western styles, egyptian history, im like a tomatoe im delicious everywhere☺️
but yeah youre right about everything and everyone else is wrong im sure youre very happy mr.righteousness
also whales are a meme
>>123671You just agreed you wanna wear japanese shrine maiden outfit, I will bite your right ass cheek until it bleeds, Mr. Zesty
>dude what
>being zesty in public? well yeah its cool to wear stuff you want, also socialism as a philosophy is much older than the west, and is that even an argument? whats the akternative? i mean economically? its not a rehionak thing dawg
>and yeah abrahamatic religions suck, this inclide chritcuck countries!
>anyways you can have whatever view you want about anyone, this wont change anything, al yoire doing is rejection and rejections, and staying in thr cvoid, confused and sad, you have always been confused and sad.
>you yourself stated that you dont want to live in your og cunt, and migrate somewhere else, idk, why are you so egoistic? and angry? like, chill dude, you aarent right all the time and thats okay, youre human, im human, i make mistakes too, we all do.
?but its your choice in the end.
>no, i prefer this one to wear, and i agreed with some people for a meetup and get higurashi cosplay party and ill wear as hanyuu, is that western too?
>and socialism not as a system, rather as an idea is much older, , it was studied by the west heavily in the last two centuries thats all, its like attacking you for wearing things for work that depict westetn cullture lol, it makes no sense.
>also borders are a meme, idk why you think im offended by depicting any culture, i love japanese literature, iraqi cuisine, western styles, egyptian history, im like a tomatoe im delicious everywhere☺️
>but yeah youre right about everything and everyone else is wrong im sure youre very happy mr.righteousness
what the fuck
>>123714This is an /NT/ Neurotypical General moment
>>123715free entertainment
>>123658I wish the 2nd artist didnt draw the cocks like their mangled.
im a geõrge now
>>126504When did spookbro become arabic
>>126511The text says : a bedouin man was once asked, are you willing to be crucified for the sake of the nation, he replied no, but I'm alright with the nation being crucified for my sake.