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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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A space for us neurotypicals to discuss life away from being incel losers
Topics of discussion
>How was ur first kiss
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
>funniest date story
>weirdest encounters with autist
>favorite shonen anime


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i'm not neurotypical but i'm successful enough that i disqualify for being atypical

>How was ur first kiss

she got off a plane and stuck her tongue down my throat and i cried
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
nothing comes to mind / haven't really had friends and never had a friend group where i could be wild
>funniest date story
public sex (her kink) in cosplay (my kink)
>weirdest encounters with autist
man dressed as japanese soldier paid me $20 to lick my beloved's boots when she was cosplaying 2b, which i used to buy overpriced takoyaki for her
>favorite shonen anime
wait thats seinin
vinland saga


none of these things apply to me


Bro ain't mentally ill so bro is a normie


2 of those things apply to me


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i cant believe this
how could you betray me like this


keyed shounenhater


My favourite shounen is actually…. *checks MAL* Sexy commando gaiden


Hi data scraping!
>How was ur first kiss
Didn't kiss, and kissing my parents on the cheek doesn't count.
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
I fried marshmallows with them once, but I don't really have any actually crazy stories with them.
>funniest date story
Never dated
>weirdest encounters with autist
An autistic kid kicked a girl in the stomach from the same class in middle school and thought "she kicked herself" was a good defence.
>favorite shonen anime
JoJo's bizarre adventure. Battle tendency specifically.


>"she kicked herself"

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