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losers, creeps, whales
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A space for us neurotypicals to discuss life away from being incel losers
Topics of discussion
>How was ur first kiss
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
>funniest date story
>weirdest encounters with autist
>favorite shonen anime


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i'm not neurotypical but i'm successful enough that i disqualify for being atypical

>How was ur first kiss

she got off a plane and stuck her tongue down my throat and i cried
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
nothing comes to mind / haven't really had friends and never had a friend group where i could be wild
>funniest date story
public sex (her kink) in cosplay (my kink)
>weirdest encounters with autist
man dressed as japanese soldier paid me $20 to lick my beloved's boots when she was cosplaying 2b, which i used to buy overpriced takoyaki for her
>favorite shonen anime
wait thats seinin
vinland saga


none of these things apply to me


Bro ain't mentally ill so bro is a normie


2 of those things apply to me


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i cant believe this
how could you betray me like this


keyed shounenhater


My favourite shounen is actually…. *checks MAL* Sexy commando gaiden


Hi data scraping!
>How was ur first kiss
Didn't kiss, and kissing my parents on the cheek doesn't count.
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
I fried marshmallows with them once, but I don't really have any actually crazy stories with them.
>funniest date story
Never dated
>weirdest encounters with autist
An autistic kid kicked a girl in the stomach from the same class in middle school and thought "she kicked herself" was a good defence.
>favorite shonen anime
JoJo's bizarre adventure. Battle tendency specifically.


>"she kicked herself"


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I just realized that resumes for low skill jobs is just an autist filter because they expect you to lie and autist can't do that


that's why autists need to become CEOs


so ur basically saying that autists need to be rich 6'0 white chads from affluent families in order to survive? This is correct


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i've actually never been kissed in my life and the possibility of it happening seems really bleak right now :(


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>i've actually never been kissed in my life and the possibility of it happening seems really bleak right now :(



explain to me how


ur into men, therefore inceldom is impossible


big if true


>How was ur first kiss
i forgot. kissed in middle school and i was super into frenching but she wasnt lol
>Whats the craziest thing youve done when you were out w/ ur friends
donuts in parking lot which broke my tire and i had to put on the tiny spare. or one time we all were in a sporting goods store and fucked around throwing balls and hitting them with bats and shit while trying to not get kicked out. i remember we dropped a bowling ball or something else from the second story lmao
>funniest date story
went on a date with an autistic girl who i avoided her advances and when i drove her home she was all cringe and sad
>weirdest encounters with autist
in high school there was a sperg who wore a dog collar and would constantly make up stories about hosting raves in warehouses. one time he was dangling from the second story of the building for attention and i wish he fell down tbh
>favorite shonen anime
yu yu hakusho



You can be vulnerable with women just dont be vulnerable with the women your fucking. Its really that simple

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