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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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I just saw a video of a Russian guy working on a machine and the dude starting spinning and turning into a pile of sludge


I also can make piles of sludge, if you catching what am pitching


russian engineering


china: liveleak the country
russia: cold china


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cold zimbabwe


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Once in half a year we've been visited by a safety manager. He's checking the expiration date on the fire extinguishers, checking if everyone wears the protection gear/special uniform, you know, these robs, and checking how safe are the scaffolgings or something are structured because God bless if nobody will never manage to fall from the ladder. Anyway, most of these rules are ignored by our boss and I don't know if they bribe him or the safetykek just let's the shit loose but nobody did anything except for changing the extinguishers once and giving some dude the protection glasses. We sign some papers doe, but I'm not sure what is this shit. Like a document ensuring that we've been thoroughly instructed about "dudat" and "dondudat". Though we've got a lot write signs on a single paper page.


unholy esl kraussnuke


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i understood perfectly



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don't cry op


He was a mongoloid churka


when i worked construction i hurt myself from overexertion a few times, but most of the old staff were really damaged and missing fingers or had severe damage to their skin or something else obvious
being a man is too dangerous so i became office staff for 3x the pay and a pension lol


that post was easy to read though
esl skill issue


back problems?


none he is fine stop wishing back pains ok people


yeah i hurt my back a few times, also would get modified duties for twisting a wrist or ankle or etc. but i could still operate heavy equipment (i drove a dumptruck and operated a front end loader), but injured back makes you able to do nothing except cry in bed for a few weeks


your not ok so you get back probelms


Bruh the wamen at work are talking about it


At some point someone explained what "ESL" means to me and I got confused because I thought it just meant "retard" because that's exactly how people use it

I hate how dishonest people are now thanks to (((censorship))) - instead of insulting you straight-up like a man and not fearing the consequences, they find ways to insult you and then be able to claim that they never insulted you


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ESL number one
talk easy and be understanded around planet


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It's me, I died


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Me working when I realize that if i was a woman I could make money selling feet pics


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just don't think about it


Just mooch off ur parents and the state (acceptable if you're a non Chad male cause both screwed uvbefore u were born)


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>didn't ask to be born in this world of suffering… so I will make everyone around me suffer


The chadcel mindset


Sorry son i got really drunk one night and had unprotected sex with a trucel, but thats on YOU


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>see all the spoiled brats get success for free before you
>hitting first plateau of success after decades of hard work
>see all the spoiled brats get it for free after you
it can be bittersweet (zoomers call it blackpilling), but it can also be motivational to become even more successful


Most zoomers are going nowhere


Success in what metric. I really dont give a shit about kike paper, and honestly working 4x as hard as someone else for half as much would just demoralize me even further but that's honestly a personal mindset thing.
Hes a early zoomer i think, and hes talking about the rich chad ones.


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>Success in what metric.
money & skills
zero irl relationships, zero irl family, pretty much an empty life except for material things and personal investment
that's why it's a plateau

i am a zoomer, born in q3 '97


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Trap that alot of 'cels fall into. If it isnt enhancing ur social life or decreasing ur chances of starving to death then I feel you might as well just play video games read or learn how to draw of smth. idk u tho so u could have a cool job that you genuinely like which might supersede all that. I dont see that happening to me anytime soon so my goal rn is to get a shitty part time job try to be outgoing and see what happens


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i did spend the majority of my childhood and teenaged years severely underweight. my younger brother for example grew to be 6'6" tall, while i am 6' due to worse nutrition


ugh stop responding so fast george


imageboard as irc moment


Where I live i get free food for being poor so it was never a motivating factor for me.


dming you rn to subvert the irc


beta uprisings

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