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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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if you want to engage in a political process to save your country from islamists, you should focus on two main ideological structures:
-the muslim brotherhood
these are controlled by these countries:
these countries pour billions upon billions of dollars to export islamism, using tools such as (fiqh of europe) to claim that they promote LGBTQ for example, while their true intentions is having a polotical ground to apply their true ideals(they already have a polticial rep in Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands)
soo if any of you want to have a serious fight against this, these are the things you should focus on
also right wing extremism benefuts these structures.


to give you an idea of how massive this is, al jazeera is a teeny tiny faction of this exportation


Wahhabism is based


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Muslim brotherhood no longer exists, they are either dead or in jail (based). As for khomenism, it only works on your kind, literally. Not even Iranians support it except the ones actively involved in the system. As for wahabism its dead unfortunately,pic related


Not the pic I wanted 😔


man nippah girl is a jiddahist now


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i met a wahabi janitor the other day he was chill


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lambda word of the day
toilet seat


Makes sense in the grander scheme of the when they cry series, rika/Bern represents the Islamic ideals while her rival lambda represents the liberal ideals.


Even this thread op pic proves it. Look how fear is casted in the heart of the kafir heretic satoko when rika fumo is present.


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reminded me of Ataturk sitting on the cube


pigeons shit on it daily


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Your posts make me wanna commit apoptosis


do it faggot


Why did everyone become so left wing all of a sudden


its hip right now


Pendulum swinging


Iramqi, you made a bad thread, when are you going to apologize to me


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die axewound


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when did iramq become based


Axe wound? You have a personal and deep knowledge of what am packing down there, stop playing with me.


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>Iraqi just became a frog gangster 2 days before Trump's inauguration day
Holy fuck, tranime troons are in recess


We just need rufutaku on our team and we're golden

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