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File: 1737224449820-1.jpg (49.18 KB, 248x372, Falling_Down_(1993_film)_p….jpg)


would you watch a movie like '93 falling down, but instead of being about society decay through the lens of getting divorced, losing your job, and dealing with immigrants, it was about the failings of modern organized religion (so called "christcucking") and how society adapted to being godless


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i havent seen falling down but if i see it at walmart or whatever ill definitely pick it up.

ive been rewatching men in black and they're pretty fun movies, i think i'll keep them for my children to watch someday.
will smith used to be a good actor


Can Christianity and Protestantism ever be reconciled?


falling down is my favourite movie
it seemed for a while that it was going to become the next 2011 drive or patrick bateman character but DFENS is probably too uncool

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