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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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new bingo just dropped


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datamining thread


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Me and my top 3 besties. If you guess which one is which you get a "good job" sticker.


Blue is cute and immature.
Red is pretty normal.
You are green.

If anyone gets a diagonal + horizontal strike, they win a life in monastery.


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me when i see people who dont trim ends of their finger nails and especially their toe nails


teeth exist



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show pussy


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some ideas i had whilst reading it:

relationships are hard work and if you don't think so you aren't working hard enough
a strong foundation of boundaries makes relationships strong
most problems women are concerned about in relationships are really fleeting and go away when they eat some food or realize the dream that had was just a dream


because you put question marks,
distancing strategies are the silent treatment and ignoring your beloved when you're mad at them, and neglecting your duties in the partnership. keyword : vindictive inaction

being preoccupied with the relationship is using the relationship as an unrealistic coping mechanism: wanting your beloved to be involved in everything you like, and retreating to your relationship to cope when you should just be dealing with your own problems



<blah blah blah my selfish problems

let's make a deal
no proposition = you're just bitching


Nuh uh, I'm not green. Imagine being your own bestie, it probably only works with advanced schizophrenia.


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hello hello do you like this image i found?


its ok


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Volcel here btw


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The question marks weren't there because I didn't know what these mean but rather because I was not certain if it applied to me.
>distancing strategies are the silent treatment and ignoring your beloved when you're mad at them, and neglecting your duties in the partnership. keyword : vindictive inaction
that's anything but me
>being preoccupied with the relationship is using the relationship as an unrealistic coping mechanism: wanting your beloved to be involved in everything you like, and retreating to your relationship to cope when you should just be dealing with your own problems
that's me alright


it's good


You're not a volcel, ur a diva


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Ngl I fucking hate (/srs /lh /as_a_friend /deregatory) the blue one can't wait to get [ghosted indefinitely] or something alike like 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩

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