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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1737512329203.png (294.86 KB, 1280x1791, file.png)


The ongoing MaKING doujin is kino


I wouldn't be able to tell these are 2hoes without the text


Let's see you try and do better


File: 1737525854904.png (11.97 KB, 583x658, youmu yuyuko.png)


youmu's hair band holds this image together


Yeah, he forgot to add pink butterflies and kfc bucket on yuyuko's head
No way the masochistic nigger is making some futasub stuff holy israel.


youre right
add pink butterflies and kfc bucket on yuyukos head




File: 1737540922280.png (14.75 KB, 583x708, kfc.png)


it's like unusual tf2 hat


>no myon
>no katana
>no little second katana-esqe blade
Aye yes, my favourite anime character, silver haired anime girl #1593


add giant sperm



File: 1737543572609.png (277.39 KB, 312x635, 1231232.png)


Pink butterflies look like flies as if she has been wearing that bucket for a couple of weeks




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I'm such a faggot for bfc


ii desu yoo…<3
jouzu ni peropero dekita kata (hou?) ni go houbi (houmi?) ameeperasu kara ne-…<3


this artist draws boobs in a way that they look lumpy and firm, i don't like it
and too much cocks and flat chests of course



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me as youmu


File: 1739251081564-0.jpg (385.47 KB, 2360x1640, a56f21655b525d9fe798504f12….jpg)

File: 1739251081564-1.jpg (79.15 KB, 750x709, d6fd7c09c49d2135d54d18f3ab….jpg)

What processes does the artist go through to determine which 2Hu's end up having BFC's TFP's and vagina's anyway? Is there a scientific method or is it entirely arbitrary and based of personal preference?
Honestly out of curiosity I'd just ask them myself but I don't speak Nipponese or Korean or whatever unfortunately.

Give Youmu a Bass pro Shop hat pls.


he describes himself as masochist so the tfps are obviously touhous he identifies with


File: 1739252249790.png (486.01 KB, 900x700, 6d3a7d2569d32e0ee61a68d31a….png)

Ah yes that makes sense.



hate makintranny for being freaking average and masochist stuff


File: 1739304175643.gif (679.25 KB, 500x281, nvke.gif)


File: 1740111297123.jpg (282.67 KB, 2200x1700, 8f2e0e6aea9fd952999a3b86cb….jpg)

My hat request, never answered.

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