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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Tell me your dreams


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ill tell you when i wake up



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My dreams are about being an immortal glue god am I cool or


Superiority complex


today i had a dream where i was reading a wikipedia article about german ww2 era destroyer (battle ship)


You might be autistic and have a strong interest in history. I recommend reading about trains for you.


lets do your picrel instead


im so desperate 🤧


I had a dream I was in a forest, then I saw a small white bunny running along. I followed it but then the bunny turned out and it had a 12 inch dick, I panicked and I also whipped out my 12 inch cock and We sword fighted, I managed to overpower it and bludgeoned it with my dick until it died. (The bunny had a Saddam style mustache if that's relevant)


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You wouldve had a life long erp partner had you not betrayed me, but u had to ruin everything


Imagine if they just said "I'm e-sorry" to eachother, then e-forgave eachother and then hit e-back_together



Then we have e-sex and I get him e-pregnant.Then the child turns out not to be mine (he e-cheated on me)


so it was e-nfidelity


i forgot

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