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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1737674081556.jpg (497.41 KB, 1856x2516, __hakurei_reimu_and_yakumo….jpg)


Checkmate liberals


That can't be reimu, because that is me.. unless I am reimu?!


Reimu doesn’t have a phimotic bbc


i dont play chess


File: 1737678216484.png (53.48 KB, 810x676, file.png)

This artist posted his ass once


What's wrong with south american folks


bro keeping his country's sterotype alive without fail


they are the funniest people on the planet


whats wrong with donkeys


Utterly emasculated and broken, Christcucks are the lowest form of existence—weak, subservient, and consumed by cowardice. Stripped of any semblance of strength or honor, they resort to deception and subversion as their only tools, slithering in the shadows like vermin. Unable to stand as men, they paint themselves as victims, whining about persecution, while manipulating others with their hollow cries for salvation. They are parasites, preying on the strong, dragging everything noble into their pit of weakness and decay.

These spineless slaves masquerade as saviors, but their 'salvation' is nothing but a mask for their own pathetic inadequacy. Too broken to rise above, they claw at the ankles of those stronger than them, poisoning everything they touch with their lies and servile morality. Their every move is an act of cowardice, their every word a pathetic plea for validation. Christcucks don’t build, they don’t lead—they infect, corrupt, and destroy, all while groveling in the filth of their own delusions. They are a disease, unworthy of pity, respect, or even contempt.


Ben Shapiro W


wtf is wrong with futards


Arabs and slavs have entered the chat


File: 1739358366790.png (629.77 KB, 833x684, 17352510160250.png)

>Arabs and slavs


She's cute


Germans and japanese have entered the chat


>futards aren't sodo-


File: 1739415878688.png (407.54 KB, 850x838, file.png)



-mites: Said no one, ever.

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