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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1737718846868.jpg (223.44 KB, 1000x563, tengu_speeding.jpg)


people who drive the speed limit need to be genocided


fuck speeding niggers


Rise up, speedor


speed is good
speed limit is fine
improper lane use is 1st circle of hell
unsteady speed (+5, -5 mph) is 9th circle of hell


File: 1737722270678.png (510.64 KB, 1080x1010, 1736402676832125.png)

i like to drive at 129-139 km/h, but if someone else is racing i will drive up to 149 km/h
the speed ticket penalties increase each +10 km/h, and at 150+ you are considered stunt driving and could lose your licence
in reality i think cruising at 180 km/h is perfectly safe if you have good tires. i'm addicted to swimming through highway traffic, its how my 1.5 hour commute (1 way) becomes fun


Prison rape general


>speed is good
Whos your speed dealer



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