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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1737740838018.jpeg (2.46 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4214.jpeg)


1 month of room rotting and crying about a woman who don’t love me


Bruh the fucking computer screen


Patrice o niel man you corny gif




File: 1737744626685.png (771.29 KB, 2160x2113, 125160152_p0.png)

Please clean your computer screen!


iku and chiyari live like this


File: 1737746508759.png (1.46 MB, 828x1792, IMG_4219.png)

I spit on my computer screen when i dont like someone haha im cleaning my room right now will show you the after


File: 1737746654703.jpg (445.51 KB, 900x636, __nagae_iku_touhou_and_1_m….jpg)


Perfect room




severe auts


Sure bro just admit it's dried coom


File: 1737766875726.jpeg (2.66 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_4243.jpeg)

I cleaned it landlord will never know xoxo
yes it was cum


Bruh I had those exact same headphones. Be careful taking them off your head because the outer casing around the piece that rotates can snap and the earpieces will straight up fall out and dangle by a wire
Basically they're ass tier headphones


yeah i have had them before same shit happened



stop cumming on your monitor

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