Yes, yes you are 🥹
No, no you aren't 😡
>>126122Ummm, I think the pic implies that I am the chaser (who is an egg) and you're the tranny
>>126131who are we supposed to like, chad and stacy?
>>126149but the Demiurge or Satvrn or so cast losses, humiliation and decay at us doe I believe Satvrn, the Cruel Teacher or Devil has its mischievous side and is just like Nurgle ( in a way and wants to play playful tricks (Gifts of Nurgle)
>Though Nurgle is the ultimate creator of every infection and epidemic to have ever swept the universe, Nurgle is not a morose purveyor of despair and gloom, but in fact a vibrant god of life and laughter. In death, there is life. Upon the decay of the living untold numbers of bacteria, viruses, insects and other carrion-feeders thrive. All life feeds upon other life to exist, and from every plague grows new generations, stronger and more virile than those who came before. Regeneration comes from decay, just as hope springs from despair. The greatest inspiration comes in the darkest moments; in times of crisis mortals are truly tested and driven to excel. >To understand what might otherwise seem contradictory or even perverse in nature, one must first comprehend that which Nurgle embodies. On the one hand, he is the Lord of Decay, whose body is wracked with disease; on the other, the god is full of unexpected energy and a desire to organise and enlighten. No.126159
This is sad, We need to get iramqi out of iramq and on HRT immediately, no joke.
He has a PhD in pharmacology so it should be easy to go to Europe or AmeriKKKa.
>>126159Ac should send him a visa to enter Canada considering all the work he has done for truetaku kulture. I mean, Canada already accepted two million indians why not just one iramqi
>>130189it will end tragically as with all tranny stories im afraid