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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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yesterday I saw the guy I mentioned a few months ago with the dlanor a knox pin on his backpck again (since I got a second glance I saw that the other one was beatrice) but this time he was with his GIRLFRIEND and they were CUDDLING ON THE BUS RIGHT NEXT TO ME… its so fucking over… why is God tormenting me like this…


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im so sorry this happened to you, soytranny. i know you wanted to be his girlfriend so bad. dont worry, though, there are other men out there who love 07th and boymoders like you. keep your head up or your crown might slip xueen.


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>>126179 here, i'm trans btw if that matters





>samefags by replying to himself


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Facts. Soytroons are infantile.


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obsessed kraussnuke


I'm trans btw if that matters




obsessed falseflagging



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I'm confused


i dont get it


i was originally going to post in same thread and then it would've made senses but it seems was slid long time ago

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