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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1738098049073.jpg (1.07 MB, 1191x1684, __hifumi_and_hifumi_blue_a….jpg)


WW1 was a defensive war for the Central Powers. The Serbian State not adhering to all of Vienna's demands meant that the proper anti-terrorism measures couldn't be made to stop terrorists from terrorizing Austro-Hungarian lands.

In reality the acceptance of the terms of the ultimatum would have meant nothing if Austria didn't have a way to enforce the investigation. Serbia's state was deeply infiltrated by the very same terrorist network that had assassinated Franz Ferdinand after all.

They never intended to adhere to any of the points and were banking on Russia to bail them out, just as Austria never expected Serbia to fulfill the terms of the ultimatum. Still, if Russia hadn't backed them they might have accepted and complied out of necessity and the war might have been averted.


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Cellulitis on asses are ultra unattractive I don't know why artists do this


perfect dumpy


>Turns tan characters white to goon
>Likes nigger asses
What did he mean by this


File: 1738101064059.jpg (185.28 KB, 512x417, 4ea7ed0e10b5e1dcfa0e7a9a76….jpg)

i like boobs more
but you can't call them nigger asses when that kind of behind is how all american white females look


im not reading that
germany lost

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