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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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we need a spiritual revolution


What are you suggesting, please don't tell me it's yoga, live laugh eat stuff.


being kind to eachother


File: 1738104217983.png (26.2 KB, 800x500, 9876 - disgusted komeiji_s….png)

Someone drop a piano on this hippie


bomb iramq


Read end of history by Francis fukuyama


Iramqi, I got you the info you needed

androcur(brand name, ask for this at the pharmacy) for an anti-androgen (blocks test) and estrofem(brand name too, ask for it) to increase my estrogen level. tell her that these are drugs used by cis people and she shouldn't act weird when asking for it. androcur is used for prostate cancer and estrofem for menopause. don't ask for them at the same pharmacy obviously and also don't go buying the same drug twice from the same pharmacy. at least give it a couple of weeks or a month before asking for the same drugs from the same pharmacy just to be safe but if you REALLY have no option you should buy it when you need a refill. as for the doses, i personally take a 2mg estrofem pill sublingually (under your tongue) every 8 hours so 6mg daily (don't take 3 pills at once, it doesn't work like that), and a quarter of a 50mg androcur (so 12.5mg) pill every 24 hours orally (use a razor to cut the pill into 4 quarters).


Ponynigger was right you are a lolcow


They also mentioned that estrofem is like 15kIQD and you can buy estrogen vials from the smugglers using crypto.



They also said to you 'الله يساعدج'


You love him, remember? Why don't you drop a couple of hugs on this nigga?

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