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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

File: 1738130687000.jpg (341.41 KB, 1800x900, Backfire-Star-Wars-Prequel….jpg)


Actual peak fiction






Infantile tranny media


File: 1738131873556.png (18.79 KB, 191x255, 1650231511021.png)

>Infantile tranny media


Infantile tranny media


File: 1738138304554.jpg (45.95 KB, 720x537, rebelvaporizer.jpg)

the prequels werent as bad as bald nerds like to say they are but i wouldnt exactly call them peak fiction
das da original trilogy baybee


The prequels had higher highs and lower lows which makes me respect them more


Bro gonna gush over the sequels


what highs did the sequels have exactly


Dunno didn't watch after the first one because it felt like nostalgia fuel along with DEI


being valid and wholesome


>Somehow, Palpatine returned


it was nadir


I will read the starwars legends books someday


File: 1738167604562.png (246.48 KB, 858x1153, 36198914a3dd584c54bda38301….png)

star wars is dogshit for soyboys


why would you ruin the image of a girl making them four eyes


glasses + huge ass forehead + acne = perfection


She's still not gonna fuck u cause Chad got to her first loser


Even asscne?


acne is tolerable


>huge forehead
If it is a saturnian shaped head overall sure.


You should add the planet symbols to bant flags


might do this when I sober up lole


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>muh DEI
even doe snor wors has always had le strong female character


It's crazy that even 40 years ago a mid tier Becky could get a role in a block buster


The nig clone and rei romance was easy to see as dei


He meant that there were no nogs in Star wars


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File: 1738177307009-1.webp (188.21 KB, 1600x1200, Windu_Angry.webp)

oh georgedybald, don't you know racism doesnt exist in the starwars universe


star wars is epic


File: 1739326346306.jpg (40.43 KB, 800x450, FOyUwRoQygIrVoP-800x450-no….jpg)

Roger roger

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