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shemmy refugee here, can i stay here as long as I refrain from posting soyjaks


Do u like Rika


i haven't played Higurashi yet, so no opinion except she's cute and I prefer the original sprites. it's on my playlist after Umineko. I've gotta finish Ever17 first.


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only if you like futa


I suppose futa's alright, not my first choice to goon to though.


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>after Umineko


What's your problem with thursday


Feels weird knowing that nowadays people read Umineko before Higurashi


Not really, it's the far more popular one. It's like being surprised more people have read the Lord of the Rings than the Hobbit.
Sometimes the sequel surpasses the first one in popularity. To my knowledge you don't have to play Higurashi first.
I also haven't actually played it yet, lol. I can still play Higurashi first if I feel like it.


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I do chores
It's disappointing to true fans because Umineko is expanding upon the themes and messages of Higurashi


>it's the far more popular one
It's not, or at least, it wasn't a decade ago, I guess if you're speaking on the western VN scene these past 3 years, seacat fans are known for being vocal, but popularity wise it's not even close, Higu is the poster child of the franchise with a large gap, it's why the hack still milks it to this day, speaking of which, the 30154th manga about Higurashi is releasing tomorrow.


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2ch refugee here, can i stay here as long as I refrain from posting yobafaces


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>It's not, or at least, it wasn't a decade ago, I guess if you're speaking on the western VN scene these past 3 years, seacat fans are known for being vocal, but popularity wise it's not even close
speaking from subjective experience I've heard about Umineko way, way more and it's not even close.
sure, maybe I'll play it first then. I'll have to wait for it to go on sale since the whole game is like $40. I already own Umineko.
meds right now you are NOT a 2chan economic immigrant


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>shemmy refugee here, can i stay here as long as I refrain from posting soyjaks


how does it feel to be so not white


is shemmy short for shemale or something


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it's short for shermie


It's a sharty spinoff


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Based kofchad


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why do soy sites keep getting shut down one after another


Because they are 15 and can't afford the 5 dollars a month


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they're spammed to death by the people who own the sharty in order to prevent people from leaving

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