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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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Y'all are obsessed with getting married and having le babies, but put ur instinct and christcuck brainwashing aside for 1 minute and think how much of a tragedy it would be if any person on this website managed to reproduce


If we breed then the PPH will increase


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It's sad but true


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the need to reproduce is selfish and anyone who blindly falls for it is dumb


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The need to reproduce is natural. You are literally born to breed.


If you are NT can meet basic financial standards and aren't ugly I see no problem with you reproducing so long as your partner meets those standards. Unfortunately this doesn't apply to BBCretins because they wouldn't be here otherwise. The exception is you ofc because ur good looking (confirmed Chadlite) and nt (all bottoms are NT be default because fembrain)


This is as bad of a take as when lgbtards cry about too much straight sex and relationships despite it being the only natural evolutionary pathway for mammals.

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