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/bant/ - International Random

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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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unpopular opinion: soysphere memes are funnier than oldfag 4chan memes


File: 1738392548099.png (187.67 KB, 640x440, 12299 - ears embodiment_of….png)

cuz they're actual and up to date


and they're usually directed against public trends and agendas or something


and they deliberately use logical fallacies


This isn't an unpopular opinion


Poland dropping another truke


What oldfag memes?


4chan was the funniest around 2012
2007 /b/ is literally reddit.


My hecking doggos lol wow so random doge


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Back then internet had zero shitcontrol


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>unpopular opinion: soysphere memes are funnier than oldfag 4chan memes

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