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/bant/ - International Random

losers, creeps, whales
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There's nothing wrong with being a normalfag
There's everything wrong with being a normalfag who claims to not be one because he played an obscure game or watched an obscure anime




How many obscure animes and games does one have to play to stop being a normalfag?
How much mainstream slop does someone who only watched and played obscure anime and games has to consume to become a normalfag?


normalfags have sex


It's not about consuming or not consuming certain media. It's about being an outcast with creepy stare and fecal incontinence


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With them?


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being normalfag is engaging in normal pleb behavior
like enforcing the social status quo by willingly using the tools of the era for regulating pleb behaviour like social media and cell phones, etc.
the opposite of normalfag is sometimes called autist, or wizard, which evokes quirky wisdom and voluntary isolation, because normalplebs annoy and confuse him and he simply cannot engage with them on most things even if he tried


>It's not about consuming or not consuming certain media.
>It's about being an outcast
yes, but it's different than just being a loser
don't be a loser to own the normies

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