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RABBIT RABBIT + Spare domain: bernkastel.mooo.com

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sleep deprivation makes me usually very mad and irritated and seek fights
happens wuth you too?


Yes, try eating a big meal you will fall asleep quickly 👍🏿


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can you fight?



Thats why i take adderall when i stay up to calm me down


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I feel like the world is indifferent, cold, hopeless, meaningless, devoid of anything good, unforgiving, and about eternal strife and helplessness, but then it gets better and I get energized but still feel somewhat bitter


no offense if you said that pretentious sadboy shit in front of me i wound genuinely crush your skull


Get fucking killed


he's a direct descendant of ghengiz han, you wouldnt do shit


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I take a little nap




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this is us btw


all i do when im sleep deprived is wish i could make a deal with the devil to take complete revenge on the reality that conceived me, and my brain sounds like the columbine shooter manifesto. Maybe georgedies just need to take melatonin


sleep deprivation does make me more irritable


Sleep deprived is good because when i remember my cringe moments i almost immediately forget them


Icrapi do allergy medications often take longer to affect sinus symptoms than antibiotics because I'm almost out of my prescription of antibiotics and my sinuses are still destroying me. Could it be allergies then?


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Just use afrin bro


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Heres something better u can buy over the counter >:)


you will apologize to kazakhastan


>The truke is le pretentious and it dont like it
Go choke on your next meal


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>genuinely crush your skull


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>genuinely crush your skull


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> lev
> R






I will cure the cancer


symptomatic treatment=/= curative treatment


If the sinusitis is not related to bacterial infections, the antibiotics will fuck you up.
If the sinusitis is not related to infections at all, you should take para-nasal corticoids or NSAID: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Dexketoprofen, Paracetamol or Tacrolimus.


forget about Tacrolimus


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>taking NSAIDs for sinusitis instead of anti histamines


Dont listen to the 2 above take a bunch of cipro


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Every single person has Paracetamol or Aspirin in their house.
>anti histamines
Intranasal steroid sprays are the most common treatment for acute (and chronic) non-bacterial sinusitis.


>most common
not if you want proper sleep


Update: I had a full night's sleep last night











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>Work out ->
What did she mean by this?




Me when i bint my pants


>It's a picture of Chen
Illiterate-kun, I…


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the pic is from a reddit comment under post about tsukasa

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